by michemb 15 Nov 2012

Here is another, love my barb wire fence but do not remember where it is from, also decided to show you the first block that I re-embroidered, (I am nuts, this is true)

because I needed to widen it and I decided to announce
"hey, It's a boy". I think the tree is nicer this way as well,
So I shall get back to work, later cuties and thanks again for looking,


by quilter124 16 Nov 2012

these two blocks are just so are doing a great job...

by teun 16 Nov 2012

Woww,Ganz toll

1 comment
michemb by michemb 16 Nov 2012

vielen dank

by vero28 16 Nov 2012

Hé ou eh ??? Ton arbre me fait penser à ceux que l'on utilise pour le scrapbooking, avec des "tortillons". J'aime bien.
J'aime aussi ton grillage "cage à poules". J'ai le même en tampon pour faire des fonds de page ou de carte.
On va bientôt pouvoir manger de bonnes soupes à la citrouille maintenant qu'elles sont mures.

1 comment
michemb by michemb 16 Nov 2012

Bonjour encore Vero,
Ici on dit eh, mais j’imagine les deux peut-être utilisée. L’arbre d’Embroidery Library est
Tellement beau, j’ai fait des petits changements sur les feuillages. Moi aussi je fait du scarpbooking
Quand le temps le permet.
Bonne journée

by futte 16 Nov 2012

I love your work. well done

1 comment
michemb by michemb 16 Nov 2012


by shirley124 16 Nov 2012

Very well done.

1 comment
michemb by michemb 16 Nov 2012

thanks Shirley

by stella1 16 Nov 2012

Michelle , This is very good and nice you got and gold medal for this beautiful designs huggies and have a nice day

1 comment
michemb by michemb 16 Nov 2012

Wow gold, that is an honor
thanks again so much Stella

by momhome 15 Nov 2012

Great job. I like what you did to the first block.. Did the wire fence come from sewforum?

1 comment
michemb by michemb 16 Nov 2012

Yes Mylinda, I did get it from sewforum, add to the whole picture. The first block is a second time around (did it twice) but I like this one better.

by buffy1 15 Nov 2012

they are so cute!

1 comment
michemb by michemb 15 Nov 2012

Thank you buffy

by myrizun 15 Nov 2012

Very pretty

1 comment
michemb by michemb 15 Nov 2012

Thank you

by capoodle 15 Nov 2012

So extra special. You could never put a price on this embroidered blanket.

1 comment
michemb by michemb 15 Nov 2012

Price ha, with all the work that went into this it is worth it's weight in gold. Thanks Anita

by loosie 15 Nov 2012

Fantastic work :)

1 comment
michemb by michemb 15 Nov 2012

Thank you Loosie

by emanuille 15 Nov 2012

very nice

1 comment
michemb by michemb 15 Nov 2012

Merci Emanuille, thank you

by shilly 15 Nov 2012

The words add a lot to the image; makes it very animated. Love your blocks....

1 comment
michemb by michemb 15 Nov 2012

Thank you,
these guys just looked like they would be gossiping about something, LOL

by highlandermom 15 Nov 2012

Awesome work, I love the chicken wire/poultry netting.

1 comment
michemb by michemb 15 Nov 2012

Add a little something doesn't it, thanks Mary

by pldc 15 Nov 2012

again these are sew detailed Ilove them way to go ! hugs loralye

1 comment
michemb by michemb 15 Nov 2012

Thanks again Loralye
Almost finished

by snowbird42 15 Nov 2012

OK how long till we see the whole story the suspense is getting to

1 comment
michemb by michemb 15 Nov 2012

You made me laugh, sure hope the wait is worth it, I am in a
pickle trying to put this thing together.

by oaro 15 Nov 2012

they are beautiful designs

1 comment
michemb by michemb 15 Nov 2012

Thank you Maria

by greysewist Moderator 15 Nov 2012

They are both terrific, and the chicken wire certainly adds something to that one. I think I have some from Sewforum.

1 comment
michemb by michemb 15 Nov 2012

I think you are right, it was sewforum. Thanks Marianne

by noah 15 Nov 2012

what can i say but one word"EXCELLENT"

1 comment
michemb by michemb 15 Nov 2012

Thanks Carolyn

by susiesembroidery 15 Nov 2012

These blocks are so lovely - I am sure this little baby will treasure it until it falls apart when he is 100 years old (lol) hehehe. Super work and so very special.

1 comment
michemb by michemb 15 Nov 2012

I wish I could be there when Jessica (GD) opens this up but she is 1000 km away. Bumber

by blueeyedblonde 15 Nov 2012

you do such a great job - you put things together so nicely!

1 comment
michemb by michemb 15 Nov 2012

Thank you Linda
It is turning out nicely if I do say

by mcarlton 15 Nov 2012

Oh my gosh, if these ar not the cutest things. What a wonderful job. Hugs! MAC

1 comment
michemb by michemb 15 Nov 2012

Thanks Mac