by michemb 16 Nov 2012

Well cuties, last two blocks. On the my way to finishing this thing, had to take a break this afternoon, was about to pull my hair out (the little bit I have left). The second block I loveeee and is by far my favorite, it is from embroidery design, the i-a-i-a-o (I changed the letters for the french version) is from embroidery lib. and others elements from a little all over the place. This block alone has 75,000 stitches. The first block says "the friends at the farm" and bales are from emb. lib.

Hopefully this thing will get done soon as I am starting to get farmed out LOL
thanks again for looking (you are all so patient) and
hugs to all


by sdrise 17 Nov 2012

Very cute! Suzanne

by futte 17 Nov 2012

it is so beautiful. Wish I could make some blocks precise like yours

by lenamae 17 Nov 2012

Your quilt is going to bw beautiful. wiah I could do a quilt but every time I think I will do one some one comes in and wants something sewed I can not keep up guess I am just getting to old. to do all the things I do.

by means 17 Nov 2012

You probably posted this earlier but would you mind telling us what size the blocks are? I sure hope you post a quilt completed photo. Once again it is wonderful, can't say that enough..

by buffy1 17 Nov 2012


by jrob Moderator 17 Nov 2012

Thank you for sharing this beautiful job with us. I know your niece will be knocked out with it as it is a huge undertaking! ;)

by njola 17 Nov 2012

Adourable job and it has a good humor

by vero28 17 Nov 2012

Splendide ton travail !!! Avec tout tes blocs, tu es devenue la star ici et certainement chez toi aussi.
Que de temps tu as du passer à chercher chaques modèles sur tout les sites (et d'argent), avant même de les redimensionner.
Ta ferme me rappelle notre voyage dans ta belle région avec tous ces bâtiments agricoles rouge et blanc.
Allez, montre nous vite ton montage, j'ai hâte !!!!
Courage, c'est bientôt terminé.

1 comment
michemb by michemb 17 Nov 2012

Encore un gros merci,
La ferme ressemble celle de les grands-parents de ma nièce pour qui je fais cette couverte.
Quand je suis tombé sur le design j’a tous de suite pensée à eux.
Je pense bien terminer ce matin et je pourrais enfin passer à d’autre chose. J’ai travailler fort sur ce
projet mais Jessica est spéciale pour moi, et je suis certaine qu’elle va beaucoup aimer.

by justsew 17 Nov 2012

This is stunning work michelle, do you resize each design and can you put them together on your machine display befor eyou start to embroier,?
Hugs Pam.

1 comment
michemb by michemb 17 Nov 2012

Thank you Pam
I don't resize everything, depends on the porportions of the designs, they have to be equal or similiar. I have the embird program and it is truly the best money I have ever spent. It has opened up a whole new embroidery world for me.

by momhome 17 Nov 2012

You are indeed and artist. Someday - if you do decide to paint and you become famous. I can say I new her when you got her start painting with her sewing machine. :)

momhome by momhome 17 Nov 2012

Michelle, I finally found your barn and it is quite large. Did you stitch it out that size or make is smaller? How big did your block end up being? I do love how you added the other designs and make it look like the digitizer made it that way. You are so talented.

michemb by michemb 17 Nov 2012

thank you so much Mylinda,
Painting is still on my "to do list", maybe someday but I better get cracking befor the arthritis sets in.hoop. I would also like to challenge myself in 2013 and try my
hand at digitizing, my head is already a buzz with ideas.
The barn is large and I left it that size, my blocks are 9" x 14 1\2"
so my designs were put together to fit my 200 x 360mm hoop.
Thanks again

by highlandermom 17 Nov 2012

Excellent love all of them.

1 comment
michemb by michemb 17 Nov 2012

thank you Mary

by cleta2 17 Nov 2012

:Your blocks are stunning. I love barn designs and I collect all I see for the quilt I am working on. Would like to know where you can purchase
this one to add to my quilt. You sure did a good job. Would like to see the finished quilt when it is all put together. Send me an email with a picture if you would. Cleta

1 comment
michemb by michemb 17 Nov 2012

Hi Celta,
Here is the link for the barn design, I will post my finished project as soon as I finish it. Word of caution, never post your personal e-mail address for all to see, we have had some undesirable on this site of late. Better to send private messages to cuties, much safer.
Have a nice day.

by loosie 16 Nov 2012

These are lovely, what size are your blocks?

michemb by michemb 17 Nov 2012

Thanks Loosie
blocks sizes are 9" x14 1\2". This will be a lap quilt, 44"
inches square.

loosie by loosie 17 Nov 2012

Thanks, I can't wait to see the outcome :)

by stella1 16 Nov 2012

michelle that is so great and very cute .Happy for you now that quilt is done. thank you for shared them with us Hugs stella.Have a nice day

1 comment
michemb by michemb 17 Nov 2012

Again Stella, thank you very much

by oigelcox 16 Nov 2012

Michelle you have done a great job the blocks are brilliant . I feel privliaged that you have shared them with us Cuties. Hugs Joyce

1 comment
michemb by michemb 17 Nov 2012

Oh thank you so much Joyce
I assure you, the priviledge is all mine, you are all so kind
(and patient).

by oaro 16 Nov 2012

Every one block is beautiful

1 comment
michemb by michemb 17 Nov 2012

thank you Maria

by quilter124 16 Nov 2012

All of your blocks are so detailed and you are doing a fabulous job adding other things to it to make it your special quilt...can't wait to see the finish...

1 comment
michemb by michemb 17 Nov 2012

thank you
This is for my GD who is having her first baby (boy) in Feb,
and I am sure she will cherish this.

by means 16 Nov 2012

Each block is so wonderful .. Love how you are combining and creating a one of a kind keepsake.

1 comment
michemb by michemb 17 Nov 2012

this will defintely be a "one of a kind"

by capoodle 16 Nov 2012

They all look amazing and soon you will be able to hang up your overalls and pitchfork and have a nap in the hay, lol

1 comment
michemb by michemb 17 Nov 2012

Thanks Anita
Your too funny, yes I could use a nap in that haystack but then I would end of in the hospital, very allergic

by shilly 16 Nov 2012

Happy for you now that the blocks are done; the last ones can really try our patience sometimes,lol. Love the wording...

1 comment
michemb by michemb 17 Nov 2012

thank you Shilly

by noah 16 Nov 2012


1 comment
michemb by michemb 17 Nov 2012

thank you Carolyn

by nu2embroidery 16 Nov 2012

They get better and better

1 comment
michemb by michemb 17 Nov 2012

Ah gee, too bad these are the last ones, thanks so much

by danie 16 Nov 2012


1 comment
michemb by michemb 17 Nov 2012

merci encore

by teun 16 Nov 2012

Ja ja is weer heel mooi

1 comment
michemb by michemb 17 Nov 2012

vielen dank

by pennifold 16 Nov 2012


1 comment
michemb by michemb 17 Nov 2012

Thank you so much Chris
I wouldn't say work of art but it is definetly work from the HEART,
hugs Michelle

by shirley124 16 Nov 2012

Love both these.

1 comment
michemb by michemb 17 Nov 2012

thank you again Shirley

by pldc 16 Nov 2012

love them all Michelle & I know how you feel about doing sew many in a row but aren't you glad they are done! Hugs Loralye

1 comment
michemb by michemb 17 Nov 2012

Thank you Loralye,
The embroidery isn't as tough as trying to put them all together. what a learning experience this has been

by lulu07 16 Nov 2012

Oh Michelle, I can't wait to see the quilt when it's done...great job!

1 comment
michemb by michemb 17 Nov 2012

Thanks Cecilia
I cannot could the hours I put into this quilt (just the taking apart and putting back together was ridiculous) but I will be a very happy camper (or should I say farmer LOL) when it is done.

by michemb 16 Nov 2012

sorry this should say "the barn is from embroidery design"