by michemb 17 Nov 2012

Well cuties, here it is, my lap quilt. Almost 500,000 stitches in all (no wonder I’m tired lol) and now it is finished, ready for its 1000 km trip to my GD. As you can see I had two sizes for my embroidery designs but all my blocks were 9” x 14 1\2”. I framed each block because I wanted it to look like a picture. Remember that this is only my second quilt so there are a few boo-boos . I hope my GD will not notice them. This has been quite a learning experience for me and I hope to do it again.

I truly hope it meets your expectations, I know many of you have been waiting and I thank you dearly for that. You have all been so kind,
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Big hugs to all


by shuede 20 Nov 2012

I love how you create your scenes. You've done a great job. You should be very proud of yourself!

by designcrazy 20 Nov 2012

Michelle, it is beautiful!!!!! Your GD will treasure it for many years I'm sure! Great job!

by jussyc 20 Nov 2012

Well done Michelle, a mighty fine job & a very sweet heirloom for GD :)

by quilter124 20 Nov 2012

you did a fantastic job on this quilt for it to be your second one...Keep up the great work and you will be winning awards soon, but the best award is the approval from your granddaughter!!!

by michemb 20 Nov 2012

Well took a much needed few days off and I come back to all your wonderful comments and support. This is such a great community.
Thanks so much to everyone and I am glad that you like it as much as I do.
Hugs to everyone,
Michelle rested and ready to go LOL

by bumblebee 19 Nov 2012

Its Lovely Michelle-no mistakes stand out -only all the love you stitched in which is the most important thing. The blocks look great in your quilt.

by myfantasia 19 Nov 2012

That is gorgeous

by askmcv 19 Nov 2012

Amazing job you did, Michelle! Thank you so much for sharing. Keep up the good work,

by janetedna 19 Nov 2012

Every picture tells a story - truly a picture quilt. Lovely work Michelle and very inspirational. I must be more adventurous, even without as large a hoop as you have. Jan

by dooniebabe 19 Nov 2012

This is gorgeous and any boo-boos aren't obvious so no one will ever know. I love the barn :-) Very well done.

by stella1 18 Nov 2012

Dear Michelle wow! your quilt is so great and nice.You are making so fabulous job on it. Thank you for your sharing on cuties.Iam so happy to you for that hard work you done congtatulations!!!!!!

by sdrise 18 Nov 2012

Love it Great job!! What a nice keepsake! suzanne

by susiesembroidery 18 Nov 2012

Wow!!! It came out as beautifully as the sqaures promised. You did a fabulous job. I am sure that this heirloom will be loved for all the years to come.Congratulations on a job well done!!!

by cloreta 18 Nov 2012

This is too cute. I love it. Your granddaughter should be very proud of it and it's a keepsake forever.

by eteaff 18 Nov 2012

Michelle, you did a fabulous job I never would have guessed this is only your second quilt. Keep it up. Your GD will love it if not I'll take it. LOL

by muflotex 18 Nov 2012

wonderfull, she will love it, and nice colors all the way

by means 18 Nov 2012

My first thought is WOW and I wish I could make those letters larger. This being you second quilt , I wonder how you are going to top it. You have a great gift for creativity. Your GD will be over the moon when she get this.

by lenamae 18 Nov 2012

very beautiful I know a lot os love went into this,
hugs Lenamae

by basketkase 18 Nov 2012

Michelle, I am speechless & in awe of your fantastic work on this piece!

by vero28 18 Nov 2012

Hé bien, ça valait vraiment la peine d'attendre, c'est magnifique !!! et ça n'est que le 2ème si j'ai bien compris la traduction.
Entre la broderie, le patchwork et l'assemblage, je comprend que tu sois fatiguée.
Tu ne signes pas ton oeuvre ??
J'ai une amie/collègue québecoise qui vit actuellement à Singapour, qui va avoir un bébé en début d'année. Je ne lui ferais certainement pas une couette (je ne suis pas aussi douée que toi) mais j'espère pouvoir trouver une idée originale.
Je n'avais pas fait attention à la taille des blocs, tu dois avoir un très grand cadre (le mien ne fait que 20x20 cm pour le plus grand et encore en divisant le motif en 2, sinon c'est 14x18 cm).
Comme tu sembles déborder d'idées, je suis sur que tu penses déjà au 3ème (les 4 saisons, la plage, la montagne, les fleurs, les fruits et légumes, un abcdaire, les couleurs, ....
Bon courage pour les futures travaux et encore bravo.

by futte 18 Nov 2012

so beautiful. Love it. You have done a wonderful job

by momhome 18 Nov 2012

I LOVE it. It turned out wonderful. I am not a bit disappointed. You have done such a fantastic job. The picture story makes it so wonderful that I didn't notice the boo-boos. I would have to hunt for them.

by babie 17 Nov 2012

It is just gorgeous. Well done. A great gift to treasure ***

by blueeyedblonde 17 Nov 2012

You did an awesome job!

by rsloan 17 Nov 2012

WOW! It's amazing - thanks for sharing it with us, Becky

by oaro 17 Nov 2012

Apsolutely beautiful

by capoodle 17 Nov 2012

Priceless. You can be so proud of this beautiful work of art.

by shirley124 17 Nov 2012

I just love your quilt. The way you have put it together is just lovely. I am sure your GD will love and treasure it. Well done. Hugs Shirley

by jofrog2000 17 Nov 2012

Absolutely gorgeous! A whole lot of love went into this. You should be very proud of it and yourself.

by shilly 17 Nov 2012

Couldn't imagine it beforehand, wow, this is truly amazing....

by edithfarminer 17 Nov 2012

It is wonderful, you put an amazing amount of work into it. This is sure to be treasured.

by loosie 17 Nov 2012

Wow, wow! I love the outcome. You GD will treasure this always, so wonderful. HUGS :)

by snowbird42 17 Nov 2012


by teun 17 Nov 2012

Sieht fantastisch aus

by marron1 17 Nov 2012

a job very well done..

by highlandermom 17 Nov 2012

Besides this being so gorgeous and I am sure very treasured by your GD. I am in awe of your wonderful go at it for that many stitches as I have to say it is treasured to look at. Thanks for sharing.

by Rosie0530 17 Nov 2012

Just gorgeous! She will so love it!

by buffy1 17 Nov 2012

wow it is beautiful!

by lflanders 17 Nov 2012

I love it and all of the wonderful scenes that you have put together! I know you are glad to have it finished! You put alot of time and effort into this quilt of love!

by monicahall 17 Nov 2012

Wow. I knew it was going to be great but this is sooo much more, you have done a wonderful job, a quilt made with the heart is the best gift. If you have made any boo-boos you don’t notice them because your eye is attracted to the embroidery. (Don’t forget to label it. It makes it so much more personal) Congratulations to a job Well done

by bethelb 17 Nov 2012

I love it michemb . Very nice work !

1 comment
bethelb by bethelb 17 Nov 2012

PS. so glad to see the whole project .

by pennifold 17 Nov 2012

This is a great effort for only your 2nd quilt. Your grand-daughter will love it. The additions of the "farm scenes" give it another dimension, well done. Love and blessings Chris

by noah 17 Nov 2012

They will love it u have done an awesome job !!In what dierection does she live in ??On Canada side??

1 comment
michemb by michemb 21 Nov 2012

It has left the building as we say, headed for New Brunswick and she will receive it on Sunday, can't wait

by danie 17 Nov 2012

Ah super! Tu as raison d'être fière de toi, il y en a des heures de travail. Jessica va adorer, j'en suis sûre...

by pldc 17 Nov 2012

It is beautiful & I am positive it will be well loved! Hugs Loralye!

pldc by pldc 17 Nov 2012

PS don't forget to add a label! we do forget when time gets away from us! LOL

bethelb by bethelb 17 Nov 2012

I amen that !

by zoefzoef 17 Nov 2012

This is very nice ! and what a super result ! I'm sure your GD will love it.