by michemb 21 Nov 2012

Now that I have finished my quilt, time to make a few bread (bagette) bags for customers.

Bread and board are from emb. lib.
thanks for looking


by oaro 23 Nov 2012

very nice embroidery work

by sewdeb 23 Nov 2012

These are so beautiful! Fabulous how you combined the different designs ~ no wonder the customer ordered 9! *4U

1 comment
michemb by michemb 23 Nov 2012

Thanks Deb,
She gives these out as hostess gifts and tells me her family and friends love them. Of course here everyone eats bagettes.

by stella1 23 Nov 2012

this bags are beautiful en very nice for gifts . Thats is a great job you doing. Ilike this

1 comment
michemb by michemb 23 Nov 2012

thank you Stella

by cj2sew 22 Nov 2012

I have never seen bread bags made of cloth before. It looks like a nice thing to do especially with this design. Very nice indeed

1 comment
michemb by michemb 23 Nov 2012

Hi and thank you
this is made with 100% unbleached cotton fabric and works great, throw them in the washer and lasts forever.

by designgirl 22 Nov 2012

Great design, your customers will love them.

1 comment
michemb by michemb 22 Nov 2012

thank you Lynn,
this one seems to, with this batch that make 9 she has ordered.

by sdrise 22 Nov 2012

Beautiful! Can I be your customer? hehe Suzanne

1 comment
michemb by michemb 22 Nov 2012

Thanks Suzanne,
I shall think about it lol

by vero28 22 Nov 2012

Je suis allée chez Kara pour chercher le blé mais je ne l'ai pas trouvé. Je ne connaissais pas son site mais je ne regrette pas le détour, ses modèles sont superbes, on a envie de tout acheter.
Est-ce aussi beau lorsque c'est brodé ?
Bonne soirée, en France il est 21h30 et je n'ai pas encore mangé.

1 comment
michemb by michemb 22 Nov 2012 voir dans les broderies (freebies) bas de la page sur la gauche.
Eh oui, tous les broderies son superbe belles.
bon soir

by blueeyedblonde 22 Nov 2012

really looks great!

1 comment
michemb by michemb 22 Nov 2012

Thanks Linda

by zoefzoef 22 Nov 2012

Lovely designs ! Looks very professional and stylish

1 comment
michemb by michemb 22 Nov 2012

thank you Linda
what a nice thing to say, I appreciate it

by basketkase 22 Nov 2012

Gorgeous, Michelle...they look very "high end"!

1 comment
michemb by michemb 22 Nov 2012

Oh thank you Vickie,
I guess the design really give it that "rich" look

by jussyc 22 Nov 2012

Making me fell hungry Michelle :) Cant beat the smell of freshly baked bread. These are really lovely.

1 comment
michemb by michemb 22 Nov 2012

Thanks Jussy
the designs are really realistic

by peersen 22 Nov 2012

They are very, very attractive.

1 comment
michemb by michemb 22 Nov 2012

Thank you

by loosie 22 Nov 2012

I love these :)

1 comment
michemb by michemb 22 Nov 2012

thanks Loosie

by michemb 22 Nov 2012

anyone looking for this design, it is from emb. design (oops) and is on sale right now for $2.00
It is a super nice design.

by vero28 22 Nov 2012

Non seulement tu n'arrêtes pas mais c'est toujours aussi beau avec une belle mise en scène.
Je vais aller voir sur le site.
Merci et à bientôt pour la suite....
Dommage que tu sois aussi loin.

1 comment
michemb by michemb 22 Nov 2012

Bonjour Vero
Je dois dire que je trouve le temps long quand je n’ai rien à faire.
J’ai inclus le lien pour la broderie du pain, il est en vente en ce moment. Le blé, vient de chez Kreations by Kara et son aussi très joli.
Je termine les sacs à pain et par la suite je passe au bas de noël.
Oui je suis d’accord, dommage que nous ne sommes pas plus proches. Je suis certaines qu’on trouverait des choses à faire ensemble.
Passe une belle journée et a la prochaine,

by deegee 22 Nov 2012

Very nice work. It is a lovely font.

1 comment
michemb by michemb 22 Nov 2012

Thank you

by capoodle 22 Nov 2012

They are beautifully made. Do you prefer the linen fabric over putting bread in a plastic bag?

michemb by michemb 22 Nov 2012

Thank you Anita,
the secret is that the bags are lined with plastic. These really work and keep the bread fresh at least 5 days or more.

capoodle by capoodle 22 Nov 2012

Thank you.

by bumblebee 21 Nov 2012


1 comment
michemb by michemb 22 Nov 2012

thanks so much Linda

by highlandermom 21 Nov 2012

Very nice bags

1 comment
michemb by michemb 22 Nov 2012

Thank you Mary,
these make great hostess gifts, bagette and bottle of wine.

by myrizun 21 Nov 2012

Very pretty

1 comment
michemb by michemb 22 Nov 2012

Thank you

by leokadia 21 Nov 2012

C'Est très beau!

1 comment
michemb by michemb 22 Nov 2012

Merci beaucoup et bienvenue chez cute

by nerida1 21 Nov 2012

These bags are quite impressive

1 comment
michemb by michemb 22 Nov 2012

Thank you and welcome to cute

by noah 21 Nov 2012


1 comment
michemb by michemb 22 Nov 2012

Thanks Carolyn

by oaro 21 Nov 2012

they look nice

1 comment
michemb by michemb 22 Nov 2012

Thank you Maria

by julan 21 Nov 2012

What a beautiful design to get the inpiration to cook and eat.....mmmmmmmmmmmm. Well done.

1 comment
michemb by michemb 22 Nov 2012

Thank you very much and welcome to cute (can tell by the flower count)

by chefin 21 Nov 2012

So Lovely where is the design from????
agréable où est la conception d'????

1 comment
michemb by michemb 22 Nov 2012

The bread design is from emb. lib and the wheat is from Kreations by Kara. I put these together, they are not one design. I will try to find the font.

by pldc 21 Nov 2012

looks good enough to eat! hugs Loralye

1 comment
michemb by michemb 22 Nov 2012

Does doesn't it,
thanks Loralye

by patchwork4424 21 Nov 2012

The design you have used is lovely. Good job!!!

1 comment
michemb by michemb 22 Nov 2012

Thank you

by 02kar Moderator 21 Nov 2012

I love your color choices. Very classy!

1 comment
michemb by michemb 22 Nov 2012

Thank you so much Karen

by robinbird 21 Nov 2012

These bags you've made look great& it looks yummy too.Thanks for sharing your work& the design info too. Happy Thanksgiving :~D

1 comment
michemb by michemb 22 Nov 2012

Thank you,
These designs stitched out beautifully, you can almost smell
the fresh bread lol
Happy thanksgiving to you to

by michemb 21 Nov 2012

looks like there is a problem with my picture download, I will try again,
new camera, nice pics but a bit complicated to operate.