by michemb 23 Nov 2012

Thank you to Loosie for this cute pattern link.

I was getting ready to make my donations for our annual food and gift drive and this just foots the bill.
Snowman designs I purchased at Ace Points (vintage snowman pack) this week and was anxious to try them. They are really cute and a quick stitchout. I added a little decorative stitching around the outer edge.
Thanks for looking


by vero28 24 Nov 2012

On a envie de s'enrouler dedans, bien au chaud.
La bordure fantaisie donne une belle finition originale.
J'ai déjà fait une écharpe sans capuche pour des cadeaux de noël pour mes collègues de bureau. Il m'en reste encore une dizaine à faire mais je ne voudrais pas faire le même motif pour toutes les écharpes et que les couleurs du modèle s'accordent à celle du tissu.
Pas facile de chercher sans perdre trop de temps. Dommage que les sites ne soient pas tous classés par thèmes.
Bon week-end.

by jerrib 24 Nov 2012

This is really cute and love the designs that you use. If any of you have a wavy edge blade for your rotary cutter, you could use it as well to fancy up the edges.

by rsehorse 23 Nov 2012

Very sweet

by highlandermom 23 Nov 2012

Sweet donation. The design is so cute !

by capoodle 23 Nov 2012

Not only are they cute you made a plain scarf special. After she posted the link I realized it was my mom that had one made this way decades ago. It was a camel brown and cream plaid wool scarf with the seam to put over you head.

by blueeyedblonde 23 Nov 2012

so cute - love it!

by bumblebee 23 Nov 2012

Great idea

by gerryb 23 Nov 2012

good looking!!

by 02kar Moderator 23 Nov 2012

I think it is very cute.

by loosie 23 Nov 2012

Michelle, I love the added stitching along the edge, I will have to try this too... hugs :)

by pldc 23 Nov 2012

you will warm their neck & their heart! well done Hugs loralye

by momhome 23 Nov 2012

Michelle these are nice. They will make a great donation.

by sophie95 23 Nov 2012


by oaro 23 Nov 2012

lovely gift

1 comment
michemb by michemb 23 Nov 2012

Thank you Mary

by ansalu 23 Nov 2012

Michelle is this a kind of poncho or cape? Lokks nice and the snowman is really cute :o) Can you post the link please?
Greetings, Bettina

michemb by michemb 23 Nov 2012

sure Bettina
here is the link
the snowman are on sale right now at ace points for 60% off, they are really cute

ansalu by ansalu 23 Nov 2012

Thank you for the link. Was just shopping at emblibrary and now have seen that Urban has a sale with 50%. So tempting ;o)

by noah 23 Nov 2012

Love them i want to try them soon to but i need to buy the fabric lol well done:):)

michemb by michemb 23 Nov 2012

I can send you some, I have enough to make 100 scarves lol

noah by noah 23 Nov 2012

omg what are you going to do with all that ????I only need what 2 yards to make 10 ??How much would i need for 10 Mrs. expert???

by lilylyn 23 Nov 2012

Very nice work. Lyn

1 comment
michemb by michemb 23 Nov 2012

thanks Lyn