by rsloan 24 Nov 2012

Dear Cuties -- I just had to share with you that I spent the most wonderful afternoon yesterday teaching my 14-year old grand daughter to sew. So nice to "pass on" something I love to her. We were sewing pillow cases, but were really making memories. Such fun - Becky


by zoefzoef 26 Nov 2012

How proud you must feel ! And such a nice way of passing "quality time" ..and did the pillow cases turned out nice ?

by hightechgrammy 26 Nov 2012

Oh that is a beautiful dream to teach a granddaughter how to sew! How lovely for both of you! I was able to teach my granddaughter how to make kitty collars on my sewing room and I know I will always treasure those couple of hours! I think she will too!

by askmcv 26 Nov 2012

How proud you both shall be! I am so glad you are able to pass on your art to your are indeed blessed:)

by capoodle 25 Nov 2012

A great day to share your time and knowledge with your granddaughter. You will both have fond memories of this day.

by dilceia 25 Nov 2012


by rsloan 25 Nov 2012

Thanks to all for your comments - I'm still feeling warm and fuzzy from the afternoon with my granddaughter. Becky

by crafter2243 Moderator 25 Nov 2012

That is so great and I am glad she wanted to learn. Making memories

by jussyc 25 Nov 2012

A gift and skill that she will treasure always. :)

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by sdrise edited 25 Nov 2012

She will remember it forever. Is till remember my Aunt and Grandmother sewing and showing me things. Great day! Suzanne

by jrob Moderator 25 Nov 2012

You are a lucky woman and she will remember this the rest of her life.
Oh, how I long for one to show interest! Of course, they are under 5 months old right now. ;)

by 02kar Moderator 25 Nov 2012

What a treasure of a day. I hope you have many many more days of sharing and caring with her.

by dooniebabe 25 Nov 2012

Thanks lovely. My Mum and school taught me to sew but that doesn't happen much these days. I work with a girl of 22 who throws clothes away or pays someone @ £5 a time to repair hems or sew buttons on!!

by mrskiki 25 Nov 2012

How wonderful for you both! My GDs are 2 and 2 1/2 and I can't wait for them to sit at the machine with me. I bring them into the sewing room and let them play with the threads and buttons. Took one to the fabric store while looking for curtain fabric for her room and had her feeling the fabric. Hugs. Nan W

by asterixsew Moderator 25 Nov 2012

My grandmother taught me to sew, we made dolly clothes. Now I have both hers and my mothers sewing boxes and a huge box of anchor embroidery threads of my late grandfathers. He was taught embroidery when he was recovering from cancer and I have some lovely cushion covers he made

by noah 24 Nov 2012

Well that is good news it makes me smile:):)hugs