It was I that suggested it. You set up an email account in your own name and email them to yourself. No matter what happens to your computer or discs etc that you use to back up your designs, email is still there and accessable from where ever you can get to the internet. It is still worth backing up, but if the house collapses and all your computer gear gets squashed, you still have email. Glad I could help.
If you download and do a backup on a regular basis, wouldn't that solve the problem. Since I was away for a while I may have missed something.
Sure clawton, someone was saying they did more backup with email, so I started trying that also, in case your cd gets strached or whatever. Just another security way to backup.
remember no dumb questions on this group. Katy, I hope I explained your ? in the post below. If not then feel free to ask again
I think was Libster suggestion. And it is a good idea, I will start do it today. Flower and XoXo
First of all, I am using Web mail. I check it online, not thru outlook express. So the files will always be there as long as you don't use outlook express and pull them off the web mail. Then yes I email the folder as alpha_autumn then alpha_bug and etc... Then all the zip files that I still have even those I put on a cd. I just can't remember who suggested to do that. But it is a good idea. I suppose you could use yahoo but you would have to be sure to log in every so often so the email account would not close on you.
I am so dumb. I have yahoo. who do I email them to? do I email to the new account I create? Then not open them in that account?
Remember no dumb $'s here. Yes you can do another yahoo and you can open them if you need to on yahoo. I just meant do not pull the mail thru outlook express and take them off the web. Opening them on yahoo would not take them off the web. Opening any would not take them off the web, just don't use you mail setup on your computer. With yahoo, you will need to log in every so often or they will close your email account and then all is lost
Explain how this would work? If your computer crashed " heaven-forbit", wouldn't you also loose your E-mail?
No, you can sign on into your email account from any computer anywhere. You would probably loose your addresses that you had saved, if that is what you mean.;)