by vikkilporter 01 Dec 2012

So I have been asked to do a special project for Xmas gifts for his soon to be grand children. The whole family are climbers so... I am looking for crampon design. I have searched my usual places but nothing thought maybe someone here might know? Any help would be great. Thank you in advance, so I have already posted this and i hope this is a better place to post. Maybe someone would be willing to digitize it out for me. I would gladly pay that person for the time doing it for me. If this is wrong to post this I am sorry just tell me and I will not do it again. Thank you in advance either way.


by bumblebee 01 Dec 2012

Hit link below or go to the main site and search climbing mountains and
2 pages of designs popup but not your specific pic

1 comment
bumblebee by bumblebee 01 Dec 2012

I noticed others answered in questions and those gals I think are preety on target This design is so specific and unique
you would probably have request for a personal digitizing at a decent fee but do check mountain climbing if in a hurry and try something that is available out there.