DH had bought himself a top of the line power unit for his comp a while ago and had his old one for me to put in. I will try this after supper and see if that fixes the problem. Let us hope so. As far as I know he had no probs with it b4 buying this other one (he needs top of the line for his games.....thankful for boys and their toys). Flowers for all :) *************'s ><>
Hopefully I will have GREAT news after supper and I get it in. It "Should" fit into my comp.
My thoughts go out to you just had same sort of problem. It is realy a pain,I am so angry at the moment.
Well, I certainly hope that this is a simple fix for you. Hope you get the problem resolved and was able to have saved everything on it.
Hmmm, was this before or after Meg's posting? I hope you have this resolved and have everything. *4U
Feel for you, my laptop has decided that it does not want to run windows. On my hubbies but he doesn't have all my favoutites.
Ah Joanie, so sorry for your problems, but it may not be as serious as you think, sometimes a fan or power unit can just stop working, let's hope so. . Ladies, as one who has worked in the IT industry let me advise you that you should be backing up your files to a portable/external hard drive at least twice a week, depending on how much work you do on them, and let's face it we do download a lot of designs each day. A piece of advice my workmate computer technicians always told me:- "it is best to leave your pc ON all the time and just turn off your monitor/screen each night" this does not apply to laptops/notebooks. Hope it can be easily fixed for you Joanie. Hugs n roses, M
Computers . . . they have minds of their own & are so unpredictable sometimes!! Pleased your designs are safe Joaniessw.
Joaniessw, I have my fingers crossed for you, hopping it is only a small problem & NOT the mother board or hard drive. *4u
It must be the season for computer problems. Mine died on me last week. Definately, that blue screen is a forewarner of big problems. Do your backups frequently. Never know when a problem will show it dirty face!! I had all my designs backed up and ever so thankful I took the time to do it!
I do back-ups minimum 3 times/mon... am going to start weekly if not twice/week. ty ><>
OOOOOOOOOOOOO Joanie I now how you must be feeling. Our embroidery designs are so importion to us!!
One of my computers kept the blue screen. Then I learned that they call that "the screen of death"..
Hope you get it fixed. Now don't forget as sson you get it back running do a new backup on CD. Good Luck
Joanie Sorry about the newa but glad you have backup on CD . That is what I do. Good luck with your computer. A flower for you.
oh my goodness! My son just told me I better get my stuff backed up quickly as my computer screen keeps going "blue" with messages I have NO clue as to what they mean! So anyone with blue screen messages better back up their files! I hate to get a new computer...old dogs find it HARD to learn new computers!
It was working perfect b4. no blue screens or nothing. Doesn't hurt to always back up however. I used to back-up my designs etc once a month, but do at least twice now if not 3 times... (third time since end of april now). Pls Pls go back-up *4U ><>
Do not fret however, I still have my back-up designs on my CDs that I have saved... Just not as organized.. :(( I will pray and wait a few days b4 bringing it in to get fixed. ><>