Seems no one want to chat about this.Oh well, if you are listening,Avery's teacher collected and mailed off 247 cards! Won't Dalton be surprised with this package?! If you haven't sent any yet, it's not too late.Read earlier post.Merry Christmas if anyone is listening-Toogie
Hi-I talked to Avery's teacher this morning.She said she collected a walmart bag full of cards,she intends to count, before( the school is paying ) she mails off. I told her that I didn't mind paying postage, but she said the principle said the school will. I know it cost my friend $12. for postage of 160 cards. I am anxious to know how many they did and will keep you updated.I do hope Dalton gets a miracle this Christmas.Cuties send this child a card!
Hi Maria, The little girl I told you about (see post below) collected 160 cards ! Her grandmother, who I work with is mailing them, this morning.I have also told Avery's teacher and I will pick those up and mail myself. Let's hope we get that many again or more! Cuties send Dalton a card, it lifts his spirits so much! His mom said he loves them all, but he recieved one, that has a dancing gingerbread man inside, that makes him laugh. He has post marks from around the world! I am so glad you let us know about him.Merry Christmas to you and I will let you know how many I collect.Guinness is giving him to Dec 31 st. to recieve his cards, allowing for the ones from foriegn places to get here, since he is in Kentucky,USA
Maria,I just addressed 2 cards to Dalton and to Dalton and his family.I sent a stamped,addressed card home with my son, for his family to sign and send.I told a little girl I know, from school, about Dalton's quest and she is going full speed ahead, to get the elementary kids to make and send cards.Have told people from church,work, etc .This is the last week. His story has touched us deeply.-Toogie
Hi Maria, Will get one on the way.How do you know him? Is he a relative?
Ps I googled his name and read the news report.I will tell others I know to send a card to him.But much more than cards,he needs a 'Christmas Miracle'.God bless him