I love parties but like nglover Al. is just 2 far away. Have fun *4U
Sounds like it would be fun. We are truely scattered around this earth.. maybe we should take your offer and share it with people in our own area's but the only thing with that is will have to clean the clutter and dust maybe an online party hey.. :-)
Instead of cleaning the clutter and removing the dust we just chose another room to work in. Yes, we made a mess there too. I will post a picture. My DH in Brazil noticed the mess just couldn't recognize which room. 2 long away from home.
Leah, that sounds like fun - but too far for me. Maybe next time! Have too much going on with ailing mother to be away that long. *4U
I am so sorry about your mom. It is a bittersweet time of life. I lost my mom in 2000 and my Mil in 2001 and my dad in 2002. I hope you enjoy having your mom with you. Even though it is a difficult time.
Sounds like fun - but pretty far from Florida - Just think of the fun and what could be learned! I hope some of you can make it!
It has been a while since I have been in FL. You are right though, it is pretty far away!
I just checked and I am 1319 miles......Sounds like fun, though.;)
That is a pretty good commute. I will have dinner ready when you get here. I was in Ga. in Feb. Had to wait for a tornado to pass the airport before I could leave.
I'm soooooo not within driving range. If you would like to make it a HUGE Pitty Party and are up for a road trip come on up my way. Plenty of room on the farm.
I will remember that neighbor. You are in SK now right?! I am in AB *4U ><>
Don't forget to water the current bush. We will have to plug in somewhere. Sounds like more people can get to your house.
I'm in San Diego... if you feel like making a BIG drive. ;-)
It wouldn't be unheard of. I was just there visiting my middle daughter. She is due to have our first grandson in Sept. Were you near the big fire? She is by the stadium.
I am within driving distance. Originally from Denver. Parents still live there, but with the price of gas right now it is not feasible. But hopefully in future would be up for it.
I will be watching for gas prices to drop and a post saying you are on your way:0)