by leenova54 16 Dec 2012

12/16/2012 Well ladies, I know you have missed me at times when I have not been on so I thought I'd pop on now. This morning I was back in the hospital ER for a morphine shot. I fell AGAIN on Monday and that made my back jerk to the point of sending pain down the spine and leg. I tried to hold off cause I have a doc appt in 5 more days but just couldn't do it. It has been bad around here, my cousin's husband who I think I have mentioned on here has been dying of brain cancer and he passed, the calling hours were Wednesday, his widow is only 49 and I don't know what she is going to do. She held me so tight and kept telling me she loves me and kissing me on the cheek and she is forced to go back to work Monday. I am so worried about her. So, with the emotional stuff and the pain I have been in I really haven't been on here more than a few minutes a day and it will probably be that way for a while. There is a chance that because of my pain the doc may decided to put me back on chemo for a while and see if it helps the pain. I'll let you know if that happens. Have decorated for Christmas a bit but it doesn't look like we will have a tree this year cause that has always been my job and since nobody else seems to care I'll forget it too. The tree isn't the reason for the season anyway but I like looking at the lights. Love to you all. Deb


by mumzyfarm 29 Dec 2012

I don't get on cutie very often any more either but I think of you every day. You are in my prayers always. I hope you had a nice Christmas and remembered all the people on cutie that really care for you. I am hoping to get on cutie more often but it still isn't the same as it was before all the updates. so many people I recognize have dropped off. Maybe things will change in the future. Time will tell. Take care and Happy New Year. Dean

by zoefzoef 18 Dec 2012

Deb, It is nice to see a post from you. If you didn't live so far from me, I would come over so we could decorate the tree together ! Hope you will soon feel a bit beter.

by gerryvb 18 Dec 2012

Debra , it's so good to see your picture here again. Hope your Christmasdays will be blessed. And hope somebpdy will decorate the Christmastree for you. Prayers and hugs for you.

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 29 Dec 2012

Thank you, we didn't put up the tree, my one son was out of state and the other got snowed in before they could leave. My parents' brought Christmas eve to us. My parents give us $50 as usual and my youngest brother was here and he bought me a beautiful 14k gold cat ring with ruby eyes that has the ad show up to win on facebook. He knew I had been trying to win it but knew I never would. He spent too much money but I love him dearly for it!

by judybell 18 Dec 2012

Deb, I'm so glad you are trying to keep in touch with all of us.
We sure miss you. As always I am praying for you and your DH.
Have a blessed Christmas hugs, Judy

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 21 Dec 2012

I forgot to add that hubby had one last test and the surgeon said no surgery! He has one more test next week but we think it has to do with his gallbladder, hoping it's not serious!

by holly12 17 Dec 2012

So glad to hear from you, I was just telling my daughter that I haven't seen any posts from you. So sorry to hear about your fall & your cousin's husband. Pray for you every day. Keep your chin up & please watch yourself so you don't fall. I hope someone in your family sees this & puts up even a small tree. It does make it seem more like christmas. Stay well. Arlene

by leenova54 17 Dec 2012

I can't sit here long enough to respond to you all but I have read all the posts and given you stars for caring about me. I think if I bug hubby enough he might get the tree going, that and I posted on my older boy's girlfriend's facebook about not putting up the tree so maybe she will tell him to help. I love the tree, if I had room I'd have a tree up all year and change the decorations to match the season!

by anangel 17 Dec 2012

Debra, dear, life does seem to get so overwhelming at times, but it is STILL good! YOU are STILL my "hero", with the strength you have mustered to keep carrying on, inspite of all your difficulties! Just put on a bit of Christmas music to soothe, relax, and, hopefully, ease your pain! The Lord knows the "spirit" of Christmas dwells within YOUR heart, so no tree is necessary! My prayers will continue that through the holidays, and beyond, your pain will be alleviated, so you can enjoy each new day! Turn that positive, carefree, mindset back ON! Take care of YOU!! I know it isn't easy, but necessary!
Hugs, Angel

by sdrise 17 Dec 2012

Poor you You have so much on your plate at the moment. The Christmas tree is not important. You can always send hubby to get a table top decorated one . hehe Sorry to hear about the death and your fall. Extra prayers for you. Hope the shot helped a bit. Wish I could give you a real hug but a cyber one will have to do. take care and try to enjoy the holiday! HUG

by michemb 17 Dec 2012

Have been wondering how you are doing, glad to have some news though if would be nice if you got a break for a change. Hang in there
Deb, my thoughts and prayers go out to you everyday,

by grandmamek 17 Dec 2012

I have been thinking of you often,. So sorry to hear of all the latest events in your life. I pray that you get pain relief,. I hope you do not have any more falls, Just remember that a Christmas tree is not important, I know several years ago I was not feeling well I said no tree. I did not feel like putting it up. I always manage my nativity scene though.. Merry Christmas to you and your husband, Huge Hugs for you. I continue to keep you in my prayers. Hugs, Mary

by twee 17 Dec 2012

so good to hear from you again, but sorry for your problems. You have had more than your share. This year I am in China where Christmas isn't celebrated though some of the stores have Christmas trees. My tree is wood, 1 ft tall. It was left here by the last foreigners. I'm actually liking less commercialism and I am focusing on the birth of our Savior and the comfort he send us when we need it. I'm sending you hugs and a Merry Christmas

by airyfairy 17 Dec 2012

Dear Debra - I am so sorry to hear what you have been through lately.
I am also so sorry that you may have to go back on chemo for you pain. You are just an amazing lady, with so much strength and fight. I am sure I am not the only one who misses you here on Cute. Please do not worry about the Christmas Tree - perhaps DH can put your lights on something else. My thoughts are with you my very special friend. Love and masses of hugs Sarah.

by meganne 17 Dec 2012

Oh Deb, you really must be more careful with those stairs, I know I can't talk, i fell UP the stairs the other day and spent the whole next day in bed recuperating from the jarring. Yes we are definitely in tune, sister.
I'm also not bothering with the tree this year, and like you, there's only me to do it and since no one is coming here for Christmas I feel it just isn't worth the effort.
Maybe we can share the one below? :-))))))
BTW. How is your hubby?
I wish I could think up something witty to make you laugh but I think the coincidences are enough to give us both a good laugh!
I know one thing, I'm beginning to hate those darn, internal, stairs and I'm seriously thinking of using the outside chairlift, but with my luck the arms will fall off the chair and I'll fall out!!!
Hugs and wishes Sweetie, keep on smiling and try not to let the emotional stuff get to YOU, you need to keep your spirits up, (and I don't mean hanging the Scotch from the ceiling)
love ya heaps, Meg

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 17 Dec 2012

You keep me laughing Meg, thanks!

by jussyc 17 Dec 2012

Good to hear from you Deb, although not good to hear of your pain :( I'm sharing my Christmas Tree with YOU this year! Humungus Cyber Hugs Jussy :D

by crafter2243 Moderator 17 Dec 2012

Debra I hope the doctors will find something to keep you pain free. Learned something new. I didn't know that Chemo would be used for pain relieve. I will keep you in my prayers and hope for you that the Christmas Season will be a pleasant one. Yes it isn't about the tree. Hugs from me

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 17 Dec 2012

She has talked about it before but I am not sure she meant to stop the pain so maybe not.

by cherylgauteng 17 Dec 2012

So sorry to hear that you fell again and are in pain. My best wishes to you and your family for the festive season.

by drro 16 Dec 2012

Dear Debra, I will be keeping you in my prayers. It looks like the dear Lord is giving you others to nourish and comfort with your special love. I will be asking Him to give you an extra measure of strength so you will be bolstered as you bolster others in need! Hugs and Blessings to you dear Debra, and may you have the merriest of Christmases ever, even without a tree !! Yes, you are right, Jesus is the reason for the season, and though the tree lights are pretty, He is the true light!;>)

by 02kar Moderator 16 Dec 2012

Oh my, there is no rest for the weary with you. I am so sorry the pain, both physical and emotional, continues to be overwhelming.
I would love to share our tree with you but it is only a 2 foot artificial tree with red bows on it. It is the best we can do with all of the obligations we have. And you are so right. It is not about trees or decorations. It is all about our Lord and Savior. Merry Christmas to you and to your husband.

by lidiad 16 Dec 2012

Sorry about your pain and your cousin. You didn't need more pain and I hope that your doctor will be able to help you. Thank you for letting us know. Sending you love, prayers and a gentle hug.

by jrob Moderator 16 Dec 2012

I've been thinking about you, Deb. I'm so sorry that you are going through yet another bout of painful days. I hope that whatever your doctors decide, it helps you to feel better. I hate to hear about your cousin's husband. I remember praying for him. Ask hubby to stand and hold up the lights for you, so that you can watch them. hehehe....Love to you and gentle hugs.

by pennifold 16 Dec 2012

Dear Deb,

I am praying for you and hope that your pain will dissipate. Also that you have a wonderful loving family filled Christmas. I am so sorry about your cousin's husband. Love and blessings Chris