I had always cut out my bibs first then sewed on them. Didn't know any other way. You are right the newborn ones are really too small and I didn't have a small enough hoop for them. Thanks for the wonderful tip Loralye. You have so many helpful hints. I have followed someone of those, but still have had problems as I must not follow instructions as well as I should sometimes. Thanks for another wonderful tip.
I'll have to check out the chopping mats to see if they are cheaper than template plastic. For smaller projects, use the plastic that comes inside bacon packages. These small sheets wash in the dishwasher. I use some of them for chopping and toss them when they get worn. Others I wash and use for templates.
ah thats cool we don't have that here. great way to recycle too! I paid $1.25 for 2. & they are 12 x 15 sew pretty good size.
I guess I wasn't really clear here where I am making my mistake or should I say "WAS" is because I em before I cut the pattern out & because my pattern was not a see through pattern I could not center the design accurately hence the yellow bib with the angel to the left.With the plastic template I am able to place the bib pattern exactly where I want it to be.thanks & I hope that thi shas helped to clarify my goofs, hugs Loralye
Why don't you just measure from the top and the sides? That"s how I do it and get it centered everytime. Measure across the side and from top to bottom with a ruler and mark with a water solulable marker. You may want to try that. I do like your idea too and maya go get me some of those too.Roberta
If I measure from the top & the sides I still can't see where to cut it out sew that I make sure the design is in the center?
I really like your idea of using the plastic to make a template. I will try that as my paper templates are getting tattered. If I understand you correctly, you are embroidering on the fabric first, then using the template to cut it into a bib shape, right? Why not do it the other way around and cut the fabric first? I've always done this first, then center the fabric on my hoop, so there is no problem with off-centered-ness.
because new born bibs are too small to fit in my 4x4 hoop & I want the design to "fill" the bib as much as I can, especially if I don't add a catch-all pocket. If I use a smaller hoop I get a tiny design on the bib & it looks sad.sew this is the only way I can think of to get around this?
pin your bib to tearaway and cut out where your design will stitch if you don't want it on the bib
what a great idea I just wing it LOL or embroider before I cut material so I know it's centered when done. family has been asking what to buy me for the holidays and this is going on the list now. and since we don't have our party till Jan 5 they still have time to go buy it LOL Thanks
I am glad that I could share this tip & I amglad that I am not the only one who did this.
I have also used the heavy plastic sheet protectors. Not bed sheets, the ones for page protectors,
Didn't know WalMart had these. Will have to look for them the next time I'm there. I have cut up those flexible plastic notebooks my kids abandoned but they were not see through just sturdy.
Great idea. Chopping mats will now be my new 'tool'. i can think of many uses.
I never thought of doing the design before cutting out the fabric. Sounds like a good idea to me!
thats what I always do, I guess I never thought of it the other way round? slow I guess, ah well learn something new everyday thanks
That is sooo why I love my Baby Lock Ellisimo...it has cameras that take a picture of what is in the hoop and then you can place the design anywhere...or you can use a template with the snowman and the machine will automatically place the design in the right place with the right orientation...this makes hooping a no brainer...I could hoop blindfolded and it would turn out right!
Way to go i use a heavy plastic like sew i can see through it to hugs and thanks for the new idea carolyn
Glad to see you found a solution that works for you and thanks for sharing with us all. I would pin the centre line of the bib and use the plastic template/grid that came with the hoop to make sure it was positioned well before starting the embroidery. I also sometimes add a few stitches in my software to sew before the design, so that I know the real thing is going to sew where I want it to. It's good to try the methods of others to see what works for ourselves :)
that is a good idea too but I had the problem when I went to cut it out not sew it out.thanks Hugs Loralye
Good idea and I like the way you added the wording to the off-centre bib. Jan
this is how I fixed the bib even after I cut it out
You can also buy plastic template sheets from the craft and sewing stores. That's what I use. I started buying them years ago when I used to make quilts. They work great when doing had applique. They have both regular, and the kind that you can iron to press your applique pieces.
I have seen these at local craft stores but they cost $3.99 these are only $1.25 but I didn't know about the pressing ones thanks for the info, hugs loralye
Excellent idea. Thanks for sharing with us.