Thanks Cutie community, I feel so special being part of this wonderful group. Now maybe I need to reduce my chatter and get some embroidery done LOL! :-} I have so many ideas but house is still in turmoil with reno right now and I want to spend more time learning to manually digitise. Plus it's MIL's 89th Birthday today and I want to make BD cake or at least Bread n Butter custard & a special dinner for her. Heavens! Why can't we have more hours in each day???? hugs n roses for you all, Meganne
Congratulations, meganne. Welcome to the (as jrob said) chatterboxes.
WOW Meg, now you are in the big time - Hehehe! You deserve it. Hehehe! Keep doing what you are doing and you will keep getting what you are getting. It did pop Loretta out - but she will not mind. *4U
Hurray!!!!! Congratulations Meganne, you certainly are a great addition to this Community and I love to have you here. Flower and XoXo
well congrats!!! I was wondering just what made the people listed there. :) I think I have a long way to go... specially since I am not a big chatter! I think you have done a great job... keep up the chatting!
Congrats Meg, you are now officially a chatterbox. One more flower to add.
Congrad's Meg, what time is soup on.... but it is kinda warm for soup...
oh, meganne! This is really big! Can you say chatterbox? Love ya girl!;)
Are ya gunna chuck a party now. :-) i can just see ya dancing now..