Kennykreations is well worth you looking at Sue. Jan
Your question intrigued me, so I tested it.
How did you save it? I used 'save as' first and then got the message you got, then I tried 'save separated as' and that worked. Can't try how it stitches out as I don't have that hoop size.
Brilliant - thanks. I hadn't seen that option. You come to my rescue yet again!
Embird has a thing about designs being centred, so maybe you could check that you have centred both axis, and see if that helps.
Hugs n New Year's blessings, Meg
PS, OH, and don't forget to allow 1/2 inch free space around the design as the stitch area is smaller than the hoop size. I'm sure you already know this but sometimes we simply forget the basics when we have a problem. :0
Sue, which Janome machine do you have? I have the 300E, and the Janome Digitizer Pro software. I have both the 4x4 and 5x7 hoops, and can use what we call in the USA the Gigahoop, which is the size of 1 and 1/2 B (5x7) hoops. But since the largest sewing field is 5x7, the design has to be split, and sewn in 2 sections. The first is completed, then the hoop is removed from the machine and reversed to sew the other half of the design. You don't have to unhoop the fabric, but do have to reverse the hoop. Is this the hoop you're talking about? Or are you lucky enough to have a sewing field that's actually more like 8x8? I can look in Digitizer Pro and see what the largest hoop size is that I can digitize, but I'm not sure how that would help if you're using Embird. I could try, though. Hugs, Marji
The Macro hoop is 200 x 280 and is like two 200 x 200 overlapping. It has a sliding fitting to give two positions. The design has to be split into two parts. It is possible to select that hoop in Embird Studio, but, even though I have worked out what the two parts of the design have to be and can put them into the sewing area, when I save I get a message saying one of the objects exceeds the embroidery area.
i have no idea and this will proably not help in studio, but who knows, good luck figuring this out
Wish I coeld help, had a similar problem today. Converted a file to PES format for the 5x7 hoop size in Embird and when I opened it in PE Design it was a completely different size (mega hoop for a commercial size machine!) - need to figure out how to get this to work right!
Hi Sue...have you tried to create a custom hoop the size of the macro hoop? I'm not sure that this is the solution, as I am not sure exactly how the macro hoop works...
It has two sections and the hoop has two positons in the machine. The macro hoop can be selected, but I can't work out how to digitise within it.