by eggyannie 05 Jan 2013

My humble apologies to my SS for not getting in touch before now to thank you for that lovely fleece throw you embroidered my name on.

Can i tell you that it helped me so much over Christmas and the New year when i had a high temp but needed just something light to cover my arms
i took ill at the beginning of December but struggled on to look after my husband who is disabled and has COPD
I finally manged to get to see a Doctor on 24 December for some anti biotics and returned home to bed
over the next few days i did only what i could to look after hubby and my two small dogs but on 27th i could not even get out of bed to get me a drink of water but took sips from the water in my hot water bottle i managed to text my daughter who lives several miles away with the simple word help
she managed to get here an hour later and get me a drink and help hubby
we should have gone to the Doctors that day for a special appointment but i asked my daughter to cancel it . the doctor phoned me rather annoyed over the cancellation to see why i had done it my daughter informed me i was not fit to drive so the doctor arranged to visit later that day.
the outcome was i managed to convince her to get my husband into hospital as he could not look after himself i would not go in as there was no one to see to the dogs so stayed at home alone.managing to get some food into me and have lots of water by the bed,
My daughter managed to get to see me as often as she could and phoned every few hours.( she works with special people who are mentaly ill)
Your throw arrived on the 27th whilst my daughter was here and i loved it thank you so very much .I hope sue has a photo she can put up for me of it,
Can i just say that out of 20 houses in a small close not one of the people knocked the door to see if anything was wrong despite the fact that i go out every day with the car and have always helped others where i could. The only person who came near was the christian lady over the road from me who wanted to know if my husband had died. i willl not offend you by my comment as even then knowing that i was so ill with pnemonia and pluresy she still could not bring herself to help me
I am now hopefully on the mend and hubby came home yesterday and finally i have the support put in place that was so desperatly needed by being officialy classed as a carer and will now be part of a large group in this area .This whole experience has changed me in what i do for others where i live and next time someone knocks my door with their diary in hand to let me know when they will need transport to town 6 miles away they will now be handed a slip of paper with the local taxi firm number on it and it will cost them £20.00 a time to get there and back, one bus per day is all we have out here and now their free taxi service s ended .
sorry if i have ranted on bit but this has left me very bitter.
One bright light is that yesterday i managed to drive into town for some fresh supplies and hubby checked the lottery tickets to find we had won £87.00 .
my throw is in my bedroom and will be a wonderfull reminder that there are folk out there who care. they are not always on your doorstep.
Happy new year to all cuties and please if you see something may not be quite right with someone near you , No matter that you do not know their name or even spoken to them just knock the door and ask if all is OK and if not could you help, You may risk being told to go away but at least you have taken the time to simply ask
annie in the uk


by pat111otter 08 Jan 2013

Hi Annie, reading your news brought back many painful memories for me! In1991, my husband and I moved to North Cornwall, we had a bungalow in a little cul-de-sac, 8 bungalows in all. The neighbours were friendly enough,and I got to know most of the inhabitants in the village. In 2009, my husband died suddenly, and although my eldest son was living in Devon at the time, one hour away from me, and my youngest son in London, I have never felt so lonely in my life! One month after my husband's death, I went down with shingles, above my right eye, it was very painful, and for a month, the only person to visit me was the doctor. For 9 months, not one neighbour knocked on my door, fortunately I could get my groceries delivered by Asda, my computer was my lifeline !! 9 months later, I put the bungalow on the market to move nearer to my eldest son in Devon, then Lo and behold, the neighbours came to life, wanting to know why I was moving !! The day I moved, a few of them appeared, wanting my new address, "We must keep in touch" they said, a couple of them even had tears in their eyes !!
So, I settled in Devon, never to hear from my Cornish neighbours again, but soon after, my son and his wife informed me that they were moving back "up country"' once again, left on my own, in a strange place, with no car to move me from A to B ! Luckily, my youngest son, living in London, invited me to move in with him and his partner. So, that is what I did, sold my house, and here I am, settled in Uxbridge, and this is where I stay !! I must admit, I did get a Christmas card from one neighbour in Cornwall, and my sister, who married a Cornishman and still lives in the village, phones me and tells me that lots of the locals ask her how I am getting on !!! I can now understand why my husband would never mix with the neighbours, he wasn't so trusting like I was, but I've learnt my lesson! Just thought I would let you know that you were not alone regarding neighbours etc., and I hope by now, you and your husband are both in good health again. Best regards, Pat

by marjialexa Moderator 07 Jan 2013

Oh, sweet Annie, I had no idea you were so ill, I'm so sorry!! I know just how you feel, being a widow and handicapped, with no children and living in the real country, 12 miles from anywhere. If I get ill, I'm totally alone, and the dumb dog can't turn the water faucet on or dial 911. It's scary to know that I'll die alone, because although such few scattered neighbours as I have know my circumstances, nobody ever ever checks to see if I'm ok, if I need anything in the middle of a snowstorm, or if I'm dead and the dog has been gnawing on my bones. Ah, well--that was just to let you know that I don't blame you for being upset at everyone you helped, seems to be how it works everywhere. At least your dear daughter is there and can be of some help. I hope you and your husband are on the road to recovery very soon. I'm glad you got your SS throw just when you seemed to need it most!! Any flats for rent in your area? We could take care of each other. Now, here's a laugh for you, can you see me coming from the USA and learning to drive on the "wrong" side of the road at 65! If that doesn't make you wet your pants laughing, nothing will!! When my Dad and I were in London 17 years ago, we almost got killed every time we went to cross the street, because we looked the wrong way for cars every time. And then my Dad actually threatened my life by offering to rent a car and drive us to Bath and Stonehenge!! He was 74 at the time, not only from the USA, but blind in one eye. AAAAAGGGGHHH! No!! I didn't let him. We took the bus.

Feel better soon, Annie, hope I made you laugh a little, anyway. Hugs, Marji

by noah 06 Jan 2013

Oh Annie i had no idea you were sick.!!I took out that excellent card u made me in 2011 cause its still the best one i got in my whole life.
I to try very hard to "Do unto others as you would have them do to you"Maybe u could still do some of the driving but tell the folks it is no longer free ??
Praying for a speedy recovery !!Hugs

eggyannie by eggyannie 07 Jan 2013

Noah I didn't get to send out any cards this year although they were made and ready to send.
any extra money made has to be declared and its just not worth the hassle'
i will offer to help the local community transport to help folk get home from hospital. that way i can get expencese paid legaly. annie

eggyannie by eggyannie 07 Jan 2013

forgot to add that a new design for you was amongst them .all will be placed in pile ready fro next Chrismtas tide

noah by noah 07 Jan 2013

Ok thanks may God bless you and yours hugs Carolyn xoxo

by dragonflyer 06 Jan 2013

I hope you are back on the, so sorry that you had to encounter such uncaring neighbors...know that your Cute community is always here even if it is just to provide support as we cannot be there physically to need to take care of yourself first, or you will not be able to take care of others...thoughts and prayers to you for a better 2013...

by eggyannie 06 Jan 2013

thank you all for your kind words and prayers and hugs.
I am starting to respond to all the drugs, but i guess it will be a while before i am on top again.
take care and may your God walk with you and yours. annie in the uk

by eggyannie 06 Jan 2013

Meganne please read my reply to our comment. annie

by lidiad 06 Jan 2013

Hugs, hugs, and hugs to you, Annie. So sorry for what happened to you. I'm glad that your daughter has been able to help and you are feeling better. Love and hugs, Lidia

by meganne 06 Jan 2013

Now Annie, repeat after me....

that's it, try again......
Now put the two letters together and say it gently but with conviction
By jeeves I think she's got it!
Practice makes perfect and it sounds like it is definitely time you learn how to say no.
You may also want to stop appearing to be so capable.
Sometimes we have to scream out for help, even though we may have been helping everyone else for years, they just don't realise.
I found out that people who knew me thought I never needed any help because I was always helping others.
And when I needed it most, even my hubby didn't realise how badly I needed help until I almost had a break-down.
Don't judge them too harshly Sweetie, it is probably a backhanded compliment that they think you don't need help.
Next time stand at your front door and yell HELP!!!!! that will make them sit up and take notice. :-)))
Hugs n love from downunder, Meg
PS. I couldn't locate a funny "HELP" ani.gif so I hope this one makes you smile. :-)

eggyannie by eggyannie 06 Jan 2013

thank you Megan and yes i have learnt that i must say no although it goes against my way of life.
today a woman a few doors away knocked and asked me to take her to her friends house for a party 40 miles away.
i do wish you could have seen her face when i told her that i was no longer going to provide this service to the community. Shock was an understatement
she had the nerve to ask me how she was expected to get there, I gave her the number for the local taxi firm and quietly shut the door on her.
the face above looks a bit like i did. LOL annie

meganne by meganne 07 Jan 2013

OH Annie Good for you Girl!!!!!
I do understand where you are coming from.
"Who helps those, who are always helping others, when they need help?"
The answer.........
The "WOULD-BE" Christians will say, "I have problems of my own" and trundle off to watch their favourite tv show.
The "SO-CALLED" Christians will say "God helps those who help themselves" and trundle off to their Church.

The "TRUE CHRISTIAN" doesn't even have to ask, they are there on your doorstep ready to pitch in because they know you well enough to know when you need help.

These are the Angels on earth God blessed us with and we call them friends.
God bless you girlfriend, if only all the Cuties lived close to each other there would never be a shortage of friends who care enough to help, they are all Christians in their souls.

Now Please Cuties don't take offence at my words, it is only MY opinion. Having a beautiful Son who is a Christian Minister and seeing how his community support and help each other and being surrounded by TRUE-Christians (I call friends) I have come to learn the difference and understand why my darling Dad called certain of our neighbours, Hypocrites, when I was growing up.
Get well soon Dear Annie, Pneumonia is the pits! Don't forget to get yourself a pneumonia vaccination when you are up and about again, they really work.
Hugs n blessings Meg

by cherylgauteng 05 Jan 2013

So sorry to read this ! One can get rather bitter with people who do not care (except for themselves) Hope that you feel a lot better and that this will not happen again :-(

by jrob Moderator 05 Jan 2013

Annie, this breaks my heart. I wish that I could do something for you in person, but I will send you a hug and say a prayer for your continued return to health. Thank you for reminding me to pay more attention to my neighbors. I will certainly do that.

by 02kar Moderator 05 Jan 2013

I am so very sorry you were sick for so very long. Thank goodness for your daughter. Yes, so many of your neighbors were unkind, but at least now you will have access to help. A terrible experience, but a good ending. Please be careful and rest. I am sure your body is still healing. Wish I could give you a real hug but I am glad you are back with us again.

by nonna57 05 Jan 2013

Knock Knock........ Im here with a big cyber hug. Pauline Australia x x

by airyfairy 05 Jan 2013

Dear Annie - this has really upset me to think of what a terrible time you have had. May you and your husband soon be on the mend. Hugs to you both Sarah.

by pennifold 05 Jan 2013

Oh! I am so sorry Annie that you have had to endure this sort of treatment from your neighbours. I do hope that your message has gotten through. It only takes a moment to check to see if someone is o.k. in your vicinity, neighbourhood etc. I'm so glad that your gift arrived at a time which I think was meant to be. I do pray that your husband and you continue to gain good health. Love and blessings Chris

by spendlove Moderator 05 Jan 2013

I'm not surprised that you feel bitter, Annie, but I'm very, very glad that you are on the mend. At least take heart from the fact that this community is so much more caring than you one you live in.