by drh2276 05 Jan 2013

This is "Raggedy Sophie" doll from Embroidery Outlet. I made her dress removable, by not sewing together the top of the shoulders, and adding ties to close it. I made her hair by crocheting spiral curls. This is my first doll.


by newsewer59 12 Jan 2013

Love your Doll. Can you please tell me what material you use for her body?

1 comment
drh2276 by drh2276 12 Jan 2013

Thank you. Sorry, I don't really know what it is, I got it in a box of quilt scraps from my mother-in-law after she passed away. I think it is mostly cotton though, off white.

by petdenhan 08 Jan 2013


by ethan 06 Jan 2013

Great Job her hair is fantastic, Do you have pattern for her hair?.

drh2276 by drh2276 07 Jan 2013

Thank you! Yes, look at the very bottom post, I wrote it out. I forgot to mention I used an E hook, and the bangs were made a little differently. I chained 16 st., skip the first chain and then 2 single stitches in each chain to the end. If this is confusing to you let me know, but it's really easy to do if you crochet!

ethan by ethan 13 Jan 2013

Thank you so much for the pattern, Yes I can work it out but don't know what an E hook is. Did you mean a crochet hook?. or is it a size of hook. Thanks again. G

by bumblebee 06 Jan 2013

Great idea with the dress and she turned out so cute

by means 06 Jan 2013

Love it .. Great job

by muflotex 06 Jan 2013

awesome loveable - just a sunshine

by mehhouse 06 Jan 2013

Cute. Love the hair!

by smburt 06 Jan 2013

Very , cute and I love the hair,

1 comment
drh2276 by drh2276 06 Jan 2013

Thank you everybody! I kind of like the hair myself! :)

by kathymourie 06 Jan 2013

So Cute!!! I bought some of her designs while they were on sale. Haven't tried yet!!!

by teun 06 Jan 2013

Sie sieht ganz toll aus

by justonlyme 06 Jan 2013

This is super cute! Great job!!

by spendlove Moderator edited 07 Jan 2013

Well done with the hair - that is a great idea!

by capoodle 06 Jan 2013

The doll looks amazing and the hair is excellently made.

by pldc 05 Jan 2013

she is very cute & for your first doll you did very well!

by oaro 05 Jan 2013

Sophia is so cute

by buffy1 05 Jan 2013

very cute

by gump 05 Jan 2013

Nice job.

by awesome1 05 Jan 2013

Soooo cute. I am a Raggedy Ann & Andy collector-- anything RA! From thimbles to belt buckles. Don't you want to send me one of these for my collection? huh? huh??

1 comment
drh2276 by drh2276 06 Jan 2013

Thanks, lol. I'm afraid my grand daughter will grab it up when she gets here tonight. But Embroidery Outlet has extended her sale. Why not get one and try it out? :)

by michemb 05 Jan 2013

Ah, she is too cute,
great job for your first one,
keep it up

by noah 05 Jan 2013

Wow for your first one she is awesome hugs

by lenamae 05 Jan 2013

really cute.

by highlandermom 05 Jan 2013

So cute! I love her!

by 02kar Moderator 05 Jan 2013

I love it. I want to just hug it.

by bonnetgirl 05 Jan 2013

Great Job....she is so cute. How did you crochet the curls....I love them.
Hugs Joann

drh2276 by drh2276 05 Jan 2013

Thank you, I'm happy the way she turned out. It's easy to crochet the curls. Just "chain" however many stitches you want, I did 101 ch sts, then skip the first ch and then 3 sts in each chain across. I used 2 strands of very thin yarn. I tried 4 ply yarn but the curl was too thick for me.

bonnetgirl by bonnetgirl 06 Jan 2013

Thank you....I will try this....I make some for hospice children and need to make some more at this time. I also make some for the battered woman's shelter, (the children usually don't have a thing to hug and ease their pain).

bumblebee by bumblebee 06 Jan 2013

Very clever Hair idea