In case any others need an answer to this question, I does work with Windows 7 64 bit. There is quite a series of steps to take and if you buy from the dealer, like I did, then I recommend you have them do it for you. It is possible to get it done at home, it just requires a working XP machine with Microsoft Word installed and then you must follow sequential steps to get the job done.
Now, that it is all working -- what large design should I embroider? I have a 160 mm X 260mm hoop just asking to be used!
i have the same babylock, have windows 7, 64 bit . don't know what that means, but i have been using it for long time, my grandson got me connected, i just love what it does, hope you have good luck too. doris
Thank you so much for your reply! Now, I just have to find the time to go through the updates. I am so excited!
I finally got a reply from Babylock. It is complicated and it requires connecting the Babylock Esante to a Windows XP machine with Microsoft Word and an internet connection on that machine. Individual updates must be applied in the correct sequence. If I follow all the instructions, they say the Esante will work with both XP and Windows 7. I cannot work on this until Friday now...but there is HOPE!
My pfaff 2170 should have used a 64bit, but I have only 32bit windows 7. So I had to click the box for the 32bit xp. Anyway it worked!.
I hope mine will be working by this weekend. Thanks for your reply. It gives me such hope!
congratualtions my friend that is a wonderful new toy! I hope to see something posted soon! have lots of fun! Hugs Loralye
I can't wait! I do have to read my textbooks and do silly things like laundry and dishes. lol But I hope this weekend I will be listening to the perfect sound of an embroidery machine working magic.
Thanks dear friend.Hugs
I hope you have your answer by now and I hope your toy will work with your operating system
I have not heard back from them yet. I am still hoping I don't have to bring my old XP laptop back to life. But the 64 bit makes it harder to find drivers. It is a more stable operating system though.
Thanks for the hope -- I think I will need it.