by capoodle 18 Jan 2013

Put this simple design on the scoop neckline of a casual T-Shirt for a birthday gift. The design has this number: 01717 and was a DST file. If anyone knows where it came from I would appreciate having it so my file can get named properly. Right now it is in a file that says necklines, inserts, and pockets.


by oigelcox 20 Jan 2013

Nice shirt

1 comment
capoodle by capoodle 20 Jan 2013

Thank you.

by cfidl 20 Jan 2013

Very Nice! I think maybe dorria or embroidery samples. If I see it I will let you know!

1 comment
capoodle by capoodle 20 Jan 2013

Thanks but I looked there already.

by muflotex 20 Jan 2013

very nice, no sorry i do not know either, still have many orfans myself hope someone can help

1 comment
capoodle by capoodle 20 Jan 2013


by loosie 19 Jan 2013

Love it :)

1 comment
capoodle by capoodle 19 Jan 2013

Thank you.

by pldc 19 Jan 2013

well done Anita she will love it! hope she has a great birthday too ~~~Hugs Loralye~~~

1 comment
capoodle by capoodle 19 Jan 2013

Thank you. I've got the cake in the oven and the rest of the food done to take with us tomorrow.

by pennyhal 19 Jan 2013

Nicely done! I don't recognize the design either. It is unusual for so many of us not to remember it from somewhere! It's never too late to start labeling where you get your designs. Now that my computer lets me write a lot of words in the title of a file, when I download a file, I add the name of the digitizer to it in the "save as" box. I add it to the zipped file, and to the name of the embroidery file when I open the zipped file. I used to use abbreviations like "EmLibr" before I could write the whole name in there. If you have an older computer, you may have to use abbreviations still.

The second thing I started to do (as I got older and couldn't remember what all those abbreviations stood for!), I created an "Author Order" folder. In it I have a folder for every single digitizer I have ever gotten a design from. As soon as I get a single design or a set or a freebie, a copy of it goes in that digitizer's folder. Even if I only got one design from that person! I also sort my designs in a folder called "Designs By Topic" so I have designs in two places. That way I can find all my "birds" in one folder, or go find my favorite digitizer who does birds.

I did not start my "Author Order" folder from day one. But once I started, it turned out to be a big help to me.

1 comment
capoodle by capoodle 19 Jan 2013

Thank you. I realized about four months after first downloading I needed a better way. Have all renamed but a couple folders. My old lemon computer had to be reset to factory settings every couple months so was unable to check back in history for the digitizers names. I hadn't wanted to post any of these unmarked ones but it has got the best of me. lol

by zoefzoef 19 Jan 2013

it sure looks great on the T-shirt ! Hopefully someone can help us out

1 comment
capoodle by capoodle 19 Jan 2013

Thank you. It's still bugs me not to know. lol

by gerryvb 19 Jan 2013

don't know where it came from but it's lovely!!

1 comment
capoodle by capoodle 19 Jan 2013

Thank you.

by sdrise 19 Jan 2013

Nice JOB! Suzanne

1 comment
capoodle by capoodle 19 Jan 2013

Thank you.

by annyn 19 Jan 2013

Very nice.

1 comment
capoodle by capoodle 19 Jan 2013

Thank you.

by highlandermom 18 Jan 2013

This is very nice dress up for casual top. I don't recognize design but if I come across I will tell you. I have many of those in need of where did this come from.

1 comment
capoodle by capoodle 18 Jan 2013

Thank you. I've gotten many of them named but this folder no luck. Something tells me the site isn't around anymore.

by noah 18 Jan 2013

never saw it before but its cute

1 comment
capoodle by capoodle 18 Jan 2013

Thank you. Needed simple lines for a 22 year old.

by 02kar Moderator 18 Jan 2013

Love this design. I wish I could tell you where it came from. I like it myself.

1 comment
capoodle by capoodle 18 Jan 2013

Thank you. Have a whole folder from four years or so I haven't been able to name.

by oaro 18 Jan 2013

looks very nice

1 comment
capoodle by capoodle 18 Jan 2013

Thank you.

by basketkase 18 Jan 2013

Oh, wow.....I wish I knew where it was from, it is so lovely...what a nice enhancement to this shirt!!

capoodle by capoodle 18 Jan 2013

Thank you. Like most I didn't have a clue how to save files when I first got my machine.

basketkase by basketkase 19 Jan 2013

I hear you, I am in the same boat with 90% of my designs especially the free ones......