Good morning, just saw your post may I suggest you join a wonderful list called Berninaland its on yahoo they have helped me with many questions about my used l85E as I am getting to know it. Best wishes,Pat
I know how to use the 650. Where are you from? maybe we can skype?
Sorry - I have only just seen your post. I, until recently had the Deco 600, which is similar. I also worked from a magic box and card. If I can help in any way please PM me. You can send me a PM by clicking the INBOX button at the top of this page - filling in my avatar name and sending me a message. A warm welcome to Cute. Sarah.
I owned a the same machine for a backup. It is a great little machine, and I still have the Magic Box & pes card. Seems whenever I'm in mood to sell, nobody is buying. Newer machines all seem to connect to computers. Most importantly, I think, is the OS you use and the processor bits. There may be patches I'm not aware of, but I think support for the MB has been discontinued. Anything I can help you with?
I found this from Googling. Someone else asking for info and there are answers.
I'm sorry I don't have that machine so I don't know how I can help. Hopefully someone that knows Bernina will come to your rescue. But while you're waiting try Google. To get posts that were answered here in the past try Googling: Bernina Deco 650 Cuteembroidery.
Do you have the manual? You can usually find those online too.