Looks like a fantastic idea as long as you got his cooperation. Like the tags too.
Will he use them??Looks like a grand idea hugs
I'm wondering the same thing as my son doesn't put his things away at all. They pile up on a chair. Think of putting all his cloths in the back of his car. Also looks like a great idea for our sewing rooms. Happy Sewing Brenda Lea
Yep. He does put away his stuff. I may have to ask but he does do it. He likes that the cubes are easy to take out and search for that favorite pair of pj's.
nice ... lets see if it works... kids are so busy these days to pick up..
They are a nice and colorful. Will brighten up his room and the tags are a good touch.
I'ts a great idea..hope your son appreciates the things you do for him...marian