I have reported to the site owner. Please send this kind of message to the moderators. Click on Inbox, open a new thread and send it to:
jrob, mops, marjialexa, meganne
You will get a response MUCH more quickly. I'm sorry you are having this proble
Do you get an error message when you try to download?
Can you tell us what is happening? I presume that you have downloaded designs before. If give us more information, someone will have an answer.
You can send a personal message to test if you continue to have a problem.
Thank you for asking...I am not able to download from either Cute or Amazing..I use PES 5.0 format and have been able to download before...don't know why I can't download any of the designs at present, lost the Friday freebie at Amazing..I am a member at both sites. Thanks for you help.