by mops 06 Mar 2013

No embroidery machine available until I'll be home again, but I did take my laptop with me. Took a picture of the sampler my daughter, then 11years old, made 30 years ago. It was done on even weave linen with 2 strands of DMC cotton embroidery floss. Brought back a lot of memories - she started it when she was in hospital for leukemia for the first time.

I really rediscovered the joy of designing samplers - and it's so much easier to do it in the program than shoving elements around on graph-paper. So I digitised one a bit similar with new elements added and some of the oldies slightly changed. And being Dutch I just could not leave out tulips and hyacinths. This one measures 190x215 mm. I'll stitch it out next week.


by manami 08 Mar 2013

This is so beautiful! You have done a wonderful job, as always. Hugs,Yoriko

1 comment
mops by mops 08 Mar 2013

Thanks Yoriko.

by pennifold 08 Mar 2013

Martine, this is simply gorgeous. Your daughter did a great job on the original one especially as she was only 11 and going through health issues. Isn't it wonderful to see the next generation doing handwork/machine embroidery/sewing etc. etc? Well done to the both of you. Love and blessings Chris

Don't get too worn out looking after the grandchild!! Maybe you can teach her too when she is a bit older the 'old' ways and maybe the new ways too! he he he!

1 comment
mops by mops 08 Mar 2013

I loved every minute of it! Tomorrow I'm flying home again, which is nice as well, but I'll miss her. She wants me to teach her how to knit (I started a cardigan for her) but that has to wait a couple of years. hen I did some sewing she could tell me where to put the spool and the bobbin and told me to mind my fingers when guiding the fabric. Next year she'll be able to thread it for me :)

by bethelb 08 Mar 2013

Bravo !! I love it . Talented !

by dragonflyer 08 Mar 2013

Wow, this is just wonderful! Is there any chance at all that you could share this in DBC? I know, a lot to ask, but this is just so lovely...

by marfa 08 Mar 2013


by emanuille 07 Mar 2013


1 comment
mops by mops 07 Mar 2013


by cfidl 07 Mar 2013

Wonderful! Both are just great!

1 comment
mops by mops 07 Mar 2013


by airyfairy 07 Mar 2013

Such a beautiful sampler. Sarah.

1 comment
mops by mops 07 Mar 2013

Thank you

by ansalu 07 Mar 2013

This looks really beautiful. no wonder with such a talented mother like you ;o) What a pity that I have only a 5x7hoop. Maybe it is possible to stitch it without the frame and the alphabet in a second hooping?
Greetings, Bettina

mops by mops 07 Mar 2013

Thank you. I made the cross stitches a bit smaller, 1.4 mm instead of 1.7 and split the design horizontally, so it fits a 130x180 mm hoop. Just a matter of careful placement (and I had the programme add alignment marks).

ansalu by ansalu 08 Mar 2013

Martine you are a real artist! Thank you :o)

by teun 07 Mar 2013

Het ziet er al heel mooi uit nu nog borduren op de machine
Maar dat is voor jou geen probleem

1 comment
mops by mops 07 Mar 2013

Dankje, ik zal het zeker uitproberen!

by basketkase 07 Mar 2013

Martine......both are truly works of art!!

1 comment
mops by mops 07 Mar 2013

Thank you!

by jrob Moderator 07 Mar 2013

Wow, Martine.....11 years old! I know where her talent came from. I can't wait to see the new one you are planning. It looks adorable on the screen shot. ;)

1 comment
mops by mops 07 Mar 2013

I'll stitch it out next week. In the meantime I have been digitising spring flowers from the pics I took in the garden last year.

by rescuer Moderator 07 Mar 2013

I am looking forward to seeing this stitched out when you return. Your daughter did a lovely job on the the original. Amazing work for an 11 year old, especially under those circumstances.

1 comment
mops by mops 07 Mar 2013

Thank you.

by sdrise 07 Mar 2013

Beautiful job!! Suzanne

1 comment
mops by mops 07 Mar 2013

Thank you.

by jenne 07 Mar 2013

Ah, the beauty of hand work, nothing can compare.

1 comment
mops by mops 07 Mar 2013

I agree.

by spendlove Moderator 07 Mar 2013

I can't wait to see this stitched out! What thread will you use. (I've been experimenting a bit)

1 comment
mops by mops 07 Mar 2013

I've got cotton embroidery thread from way back, which I prefer for this, but not too many colours. I also have the mat polyester that came with the Pfaff Hummel designs, nice saturated old colours, which might be just right.

by noah 06 Mar 2013

excellent as always !When u get home i NEED u to create another corner in your rose designs only 3 roses two sets of leaves .(not much right)Don't u just love those people that bug u lol
Try and get some rest while your away if possible hugs carolyn

1 comment
mops by mops 07 Mar 2013

Thanks, Carolyn!

by pldc edited 06 Mar 2013

this is incredable! one that a girl her age could do this lovely sampler & that from a picture you can re-create it on the pc! gold stars to you both, I do hope that your having a lovely time too. Hugs Loralye

1 comment
mops by mops 07 Mar 2013

Thank you. In the past girls were far younger than that, but she did a good job, that's for sure.
My granddaughter and I are getting along very well; she knows how to get me aching all over from swimming on the floor in an imaginary swimming pool, crawling under the table in her 'house'. I have to remember turning an imaginary key in the lock of every door I pass, fastening my seat belt and unfastening it when I get up from my chair, excuse me, car seat, and making the right noises. Played memory games (and lost most of them) and played with the finger- and hand-puppets I made last year.
I learned to count in Norwegian, learned a number of nursery songs, had to read her a few stories I could hardly pronounce and don't know whether she laughed at the story or at me.
So I really have to put some effort into learning the lingo when I'm back - never too old to learn or so they say.

by oaro 06 Mar 2013


1 comment
mops by mops 07 Mar 2013


by capoodle 06 Mar 2013

Love her stitching work. You did an excellent job on the machine cross stitch version.

1 comment
mops by mops 07 Mar 2013

Thank you.

by highlandermom 06 Mar 2013

This is excellent a perfected sampler. I love it.

1 comment
mops by mops 07 Mar 2013

Thank you.

by cj2sew 06 Mar 2013

Very, very impressive. I remember do a sample about 50 decades ago. Yep did it the old fashioned way. We certainly have come a long way haven't we.

1 comment
mops by mops 07 Mar 2013

I still like the old fashioned way!

by kezza2sew 06 Mar 2013

Martine, this is lovely and to think your daughter was only 11. She must have got her talent from her Mum. thanks for showing us. Your embroidery will also be lovely...

1 comment
mops by mops 07 Mar 2013

Thank you.