by joyce500 10 Mar 2013

Today is my wedding anniversary. We have been married 52 years. We plan on going out to dinner tonight to celebrate. Joyce


by toogie 13 Mar 2013

Wishing you a belated Happy Anniversary ! This is news we like to share.

1 comment
joyce500 by joyce500 14 Mar 2013

Thank you. Yes it is.

by ddouville 12 Mar 2013


1 comment
joyce500 by joyce500 14 Mar 2013

Thank you

by camylow 12 Mar 2013

How exciting for you...You should be very guys have survived when many have not...We will be celebrating 31 this year...

1 comment
joyce500 by joyce500 14 Mar 2013

Yes it is. The next 21 years will go by quickly for you and you can catch up with us..

by hightechgrammy 12 Mar 2013

Wow! 52 years is worth celebrating! I'm very happy for you! hugs, Jan

1 comment
joyce500 by joyce500 14 Mar 2013

Thank you. Yes it is. Joyce

by juanitadenney 12 Mar 2013

Congratulations and Happy Anniversary.

1 comment
joyce500 by joyce500 12 Mar 2013

Thank you

by crafter2243 Moderator 11 Mar 2013

Happy Anniversary and many more. I hope dinner was excellent.

1 comment
joyce500 by joyce500 12 Mar 2013

Thank you and it was

by katydid 11 Mar 2013


1 comment
joyce500 by joyce500 12 Mar 2013

Thank you

by rgotter 11 Mar 2013

Congrats! Hope your dinner was delicious!

1 comment
joyce500 by joyce500 12 Mar 2013

Thank you and it was

by askmcv 11 Mar 2013


1 comment
joyce500 by joyce500 11 Mar 2013

Thank you. Beautiful verse.

by gerryvb 11 Mar 2013

congratulations! hope you had a lovely celebration :)

1 comment
joyce500 by joyce500 11 Mar 2013

Thank you. We did have a nice dinner at Red Lobster.

by airyfairy 11 Mar 2013

Many congratulations to you and your husband. Sarah.

1 comment
joyce500 by joyce500 11 Mar 2013

Thank you

by marianb 10 Mar 2013

52years congrats you must have been a child bride like me..hehehe i'm only coming up for 37 this april.. hope you and your dear one enjoy many more to come..marian

1 comment
joyce500 by joyce500 11 Mar 2013

Thank you. Not hardly a child bride, I was 25 and he was 30 when we married.

by draco 10 Mar 2013

Happy Anniversary ! Congratulations !!

1 comment
joyce500 by joyce500 11 Mar 2013

Thank you

by fabricfairy 10 Mar 2013

Happy Anniversary , 52 years is a long time ans will bet you the years have flown by , always do when you are in love. Cathy

1 comment
joyce500 by joyce500 11 Mar 2013

Thank you. We reminence now about the last 52 years.

by grandmamek 10 Mar 2013

Congratulations!! Enjoy your evening out. Hugs, Mary.

1 comment
joyce500 by joyce500 11 Mar 2013

Thank you. We did enjoy our dinner.

by clawton 10 Mar 2013

Congratulations!!! and have many more.

1 comment
joyce500 by joyce500 11 Mar 2013

Thank you

by catsnhorses 10 Mar 2013

Congratulations on so many happy, loving years together! May you celebrate many more.
Marion in KY

by cfidl 10 Mar 2013

Wonderful! Congratulations!

1 comment
joyce500 by joyce500 11 Mar 2013

Thank you.

by zoefzoef 10 Mar 2013

Congratulations ! have a nice dinner !

1 comment
joyce500 by joyce500 11 Mar 2013

Thank you. We did have a good dinner. We went to Red Lobster.

by haleymax 10 Mar 2013


1 comment
joyce500 by joyce500 11 Mar 2013

Thank you

by dollygk 10 Mar 2013

It's always so good to hear that another couple has made a career of marriage. Many, Many, Many, more years of health and happy memories to you both!!

1 comment
joyce500 by joyce500 11 Mar 2013

Thank you.

by momofeight 10 Mar 2013

We just celebrated our 53rd on Feb 24.We were told that it would not last but here we are. Have a GREAT DAY and CONGRATULATIONS and many more.

cfidl by cfidl 10 Mar 2013

Congratulations to you also!

joyce500 by joyce500 11 Mar 2013

Thank you. Congratulations to you also.

by noah 10 Mar 2013

52 years Congrats .We had our 40th last month and i thought that was a long time .I am very happy for u and u are a great example for the younger ones hugs Carolyn

1 comment
joyce500 by joyce500 10 Mar 2013

Thank you. Congratulations on your 40th, hope you have many more.

by pldc 10 Mar 2013

its a great day for an anniversary CONGRATULATIONS that is a lovely miestone!

1 comment
joyce500 by joyce500 10 Mar 2013

Thank you

by mary51 10 Mar 2013


1 comment
joyce500 by joyce500 10 Mar 2013

Thank you

by jrob Moderator 10 Mar 2013

Happy Anniversary. I love to see where love lasts and you have certainly gotten a good start on a long marriage. ;

1 comment
joyce500 by joyce500 10 Mar 2013

Thank you. Yes a good start.

by babsie 10 Mar 2013

Happy Anniversary and may you 2 have many more. Enjoy your night out. Hugs.

1 comment
joyce500 by joyce500 edited 10 Mar 2013

Thank you. We will enjoy. Not sure about many more at our age..

by sdrise 10 Mar 2013

Happy Anniversary and enjoy your night out. ! Suzanne

by sadp 10 Mar 2013

Happy Anniversary Joyce

by twee 10 Mar 2013

congratulations. I celebrate 43 years this year

1 comment
joyce500 by joyce500 10 Mar 2013

Thank you. Only 9 years to catch up u.s

by asterixsew Moderator 10 Mar 2013

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary. Enjoy your day

1 comment
joyce500 by joyce500 10 Mar 2013

Thank you

by sewemb 10 Mar 2013

Happy Anniversary

1 comment
joyce500 by joyce500 10 Mar 2013

Thank you