Keeping the knee straight was because the knee wanted to kink out to the right when he walks, it was worse earlier after op but the brace is keeping it in place more. He says it makes a clicking noise and his Dr says yes that is becuase it is a mechanical knee now...boy does he love that noise...NOT.
Glad to hear he is doing well. As in the other posts, I have had both my knees replaced and I was moving it the day of surgery. Is there a reason his Dr. wanted to keep it straight ? Did a bone get broken?
Just curious.
Warm recovery hugs, Bo
yes 15mths ago he broke the Tibia bone and fixed that up with complications...unfortunately. His blood pressure dropped to 50 after the surgery in the next day so they kept him in bed for 2 days before the started moving it. He had a special mattress which inflated to suit his body and adjusted itself for his leg, that was great.
Good news that progress is being made with the healing. I hope it will heal enough soon that he can take off the knee brace. Keep that whip handy.
Surely hope he progresses quickly. But I, too, have had both knees replaced & they were moving them the day of the surgery! Is he taking physical therapy? 8 weeks is a long time to keep a knee straight. I'm not a doctor, but by 8 weeks I was walking with a cane almost normal. It will heal, but heavens if it's not being moved, don't be in the room when they DO move it! Yikes! Sorry.
It is not straight, he is moving it nicely thanks. It was funny at the specialist, when he was sitting on the bed and Dr on the floor moving it this way and that, John was making facial expressions and no sound, so as I was sitting on the chair in front of him, I was saying ouht and ouch and making all the noises he should have been doing, because the Dr was not hearing anything I was thinking he would think it was not hurting. So I told DH to make a noise when it hurts so Dr would know it hurts when he twists it this way and that...I told a friend this stroy and my DH said "see I don't have to say a word" har har....
Makes me feel better to know he's actually moving it! That IS funny with your making the pain noises! But I bet he doesn't let you talk for him all the time! :-)
I agree its better to keep moving & it is a process best wishes for his recovery 100%
my hubby had a full one also.. at the VA they have him moving that leg from day one. excersice it alot and bend it alot.. he has full range in that leg now and it was painful those first 3 months but then the more you use it the better off you are.. we have another friend that had one done and did not use it much and then had the other one done and did not excerise either one and they are both stiff for him.. move and bend that leg.. do not peg leg
great advice for us. yes he does move it. has also been told to walk without cruch or far he is doing this.
Much easier to have him home so do whatever it takes to keep him on the right schedule. i'm sure you have your hands full with him and the grandchildren.
Keep him following doctors orders. My cousin had to have the knee replaced six times because he would not follow the rules. Get the whip out! Hugs
oh my goodness I sure will have to show him this post, only this morning he was making plans on our renovations for 4 weeks time as what he will do first....