Hey Dennis, as a new embroiderer you may not be aware of this, but copyright is a big issue in embroidery designs. The realistic looking motorcycles wouldn't be that much of a problem, as long as the digitizer didn't do a straight copy from some advertising brochure or something similar. But the actual logos, like Harley, are copyright material. Harley owns its logo, and in order to digitize it, one would have to contact Harley and get their permission to do so, or purchase a license to digitize and sell the design (or give it away). These folks, like all the professional sports teams, NASCAR, anything of that nature, know that their image is desirable, and they do not let just anyone copy it, believe me, they SELL these rights for a good bit of money. So if you find this kind of logo cheap or free, it won't be legal. It will be illegally done, and therefore stolen property. They can prosecute thru legal channels for this theft, and not only the digitizer, but people who downloaded the designs, probably as "receiving stolen goods". Don't get yourself in hot water by using logos of any kind, unless the digitizer can prove s/he is "licensed" to produce them. That will be a written license, somewhere on the webpage or CD of designs. These designs will be expensive. Also, be careful of the terms of use of even properly licensed designs. I found a wonderful CD of Laurel Burch designs, duly licensed, and "on sale" for only $79USD, down from $99USD regular price for about 20 designs. But, they were for personal use only, and if you wanted to sell anything with the designs on it, even at a church craft fair, not mass produced, you had to purchase a separate license, even more expensive. If you're starting a business doing embroidery, please do be careful of these kinds of traps. Especially Disney designs, because that Mouse bites! Disney will prosecute, even insignificant cases sometimes, and your machines and equipment could be seized. That is NOT an urban legend, In our small town in Pennsylvania, USA, years ago Disney sued and closed down a small neighborhood bar called "Goofie's" because they used a drawing of a dog that looked too much like the Disney character for their liking. Don't put your neck in that noose. These companies make too much money licensing their logos to let anyone get away with using them for free. Do not stand between a mother bear and her cub, do not stand between a large company and its revenue. Bone up on that copyright business before you get too committed to doing logos, you might find it too expensive. Best of luck to you, Marji
Hi. I really do appreciate the time you have taken to provide this guidance. Although I am aware of the copyright laws, there are a number of aspects you have kindly covered which were previously not entirely clear to me. So thank you for that. I am very mindful of your comments regarding the larger corporations, not least the numerous actions taken here in the UK against anyone who 'represented' the logo of the Olympic Games (the five rings) or used the words 'London Olympics' in any advertisement. It has never been my intention to operate any sort of business and at 65 years and in end-stage heart failure, I'm not inclined to start now.....LOL.
Listen to me waffling on! My sincere thanks for your time and your advice. This is a lovely site.
As a fellow 65-er, I suppose you'll forgive me, hee hee hee, I must have been thinking of someone else. That person was looking for advice on multi-head commercial machines, to start a business, and I got you confused, apparently. Well, got more info than you needed. I suspect it bears repeating for everyone, however many may read it. Sorry about your heart, that's a bummer. Well, "It ain't over till the fat lady sings," you know, so wring the most out of it. Quality over quantity. Different reasons, but I do know how it feels. Glad you're enjoying yourself here. Hugs, Marji
Designs by SICK (Cute member??) gives away a design per hour plus one per day. I have received three free motorcycles in the last month or so. I think they're from a quilt set. She seems to do a set for biker's week each year, too. Enjoy! A really awesome site.
Thank you. I do visit that site every now and again but perhaps I've not been looking hard enough. I shall be more careful on my next visit. Thanks for the heads up.
there is also a bike design in dbc which I have used but cant find it at the moment
Are you looking for something like this? Embroidery designs has lots of motorcycles and such, good luck
Check out Embroidery Library, as they have such a huge assortment of designs, perhaps they have some nice realistic motorcycles.
I remember another site that is called Designs by George, or George's embroidery designs, which gives away a large number of free designs, including cars, trucks, motorcycles, and miscellaneous ones. Hope this helps you.
I very much appreciate your advice and I will certainly follow up on this. Thank you.