by sugarbookers 28 Mar 2013

Cuties. Please be careful. Something happen to my computer and I had to get it fixed had to install all over in the mean time I noticed that other people were getting emails from me and I was not the one sending. So if you got one I am sorry.


by rachap 29 Mar 2013

That happened to me also and it is sure a nusience. I hope you got everything straightened out without too much trouble. My computer geek explained to me that often it is kids thinking it is fun to hack into someones email address book and start sending these things-NOT my idea of fun! Good of you to remind everyone again that we need to be careful.

by crafter2243 Moderator 29 Mar 2013

I am sorry your computer caught a virus. I hope you did not loose your embroidery files and had them backed up.