by bikermomfl 31 May 2008

HELP,a little while ago I found these georgous sunbonnets, but they were like victorian ladies, big hoop dresses, I've searched for several days now and can't find em-anybody know where they are?


by pafhen 31 May 2008

Oh these as sooooo nice. here is a shortcut for you ladies.

by bikermomfl 31 May 2008

z43 THAT'S THEM!!!!!!! thanks so much, I've been there, bought em and downloaded and they are mine all mine hehehehehehe. Thanks again I appreciate it very much I was going blind from going thru all the bookmark pages with no success. If ever I can return the favor..........and thanks again, I'm so excited!

by z43mak 31 May 2008

There is a set of designs as described that was $40.00, that is now $20.00, that is very nice, at ace points embroidery. I saw this on, but there is a direct site also. On secrets, they are at Ace Points, under bells and gentlemen.

by shirlener88 31 May 2008

If this isn't that set - let us know - so we can help you search. *4U

by babyred 31 May 2008

Here are some from sick designs.

clawton by clawton 31 May 2008

Thanks for finding them for bikermom. In case you don't realize it, you can add the site as a link by clicking on the "link" button when anwsering the question. That makes it easier for people to find the site. The click on it and they are there. It's easy to do.

bikermomfl by bikermomfl 31 May 2008

they were pretty but that wasn't the ones. These were pretty expensive somewhere between $20-$40. but were on sale. but thanks for your help.