I also use Schmetz needles. I did use the Singer needles but they kept breaking.
My Futura didn't have any problems until I had a tangled bobbin and cleaned it out. Now I am having some issues. I was going to try to use some other needles and wondered what everyone with these machines used. thanks for the replies
You will want to check your bobbin case for burrs or marring. I have had the bobbin case replace several times -- twice I had not even broken a single needle.
A tangled bobbin is enough to require service. The timing may be off as Bev suggests.
Flowers for everyone!
I have 2 Futuras and never had any issues with the needles. Always with the timing, I gave up on them and bought a Brother
I have the Futura 250 and I use Schmetz needles. I had too many problems with Singer needles.