by ansalu 24 Apr 2013

24.4.13 Now it hapened to me: My Mac crashed :o(

No virus or something from the software. The hardware caused trouble and the structure of the hard disk got lost. The informations are there but the system cannot find them without the path and many seems to be damaged. Last backup was 10 months ago (yes I know should have once in a while) but in January I copied many of my embroideryfolders to a USB-stick (wish I had bought a bigger one cause not evrything fits on it). Found the pictures until November right now (hope to find some more from my last concert in April) but my folder with the story I was reading and correcting on fanfiktion is lost :o(
Hubby bought a program to recover lost and damaged files so we hope to find some more but I wil need a lot of time to bring them back in a system. Have now a new hard disk with 1TB so my apple is running fast as lightning :o)
New rule in our house: Back-up every week!
Greetings, Bettina


by zoefzoef 28 Apr 2013

Try to connect your damaged harddrive as a secondary disk on your mac. If it was the operating system, you will be able to mount the harddrive and recovery your personal files!

ansalu by ansalu 30 Apr 2013

We have bought a special program to recover the files (DiskWarrior) cause the hard disk is damaged (no virus or another software-problem). It has lost his structure and detroyed some files. We could recover some datas but many others are lost. Th badest thing is that I have no access to the mails that I have have pushed in the folders on my desktop: The system starts loading them but cannot find most of them. So I started to dl again at those pages where I have a order history. Most of the german pages send the files as attachment with a mail so I have to write to them and ask if they could send them again :o(

zoefzoef by zoefzoef 30 Apr 2013

When I was supporting the Mac's at work, there were trick to rebuild the index file. Are you aware of these commands ?
Will send more info via PM

by drro 27 Apr 2013

I hope you can retrieve all your files!;>) Hugs, ro

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by muffy edited 25 Apr 2013

I have MyPCBackUp and it backs up at a certain time daily. Love it. I never want to lose anything...ever!!!
Muffy :)

by cfidl 25 Apr 2013

I am on backup computer now. Had to refomat my hard drive, I have Carbonite, which last time I had to restore - I did a lousy job of it, so now I have many duplicates. I am going to do a better job this time. I also back up on an external hard drive. That one moves from computer to computer.

by crafter2243 Moderator 25 Apr 2013

Bettina I am so sorry. I hope you will be able to find more files and pictures.
So far I never had a computer crash on me and I would be so upset if I lost all that is on it. I am kind of overdoing it with back ups. I back up on a external hard drive through windows back up and my embroidery files and anything important manually to another one. From there it goes on another computer. The thumb drives I only use for transporting files to the machine. I must admit I don't do it every week either, but at least once a month.
I hope you can retrieve most of your files.

by debswebster 24 Apr 2013 sorry,I hope the new program works well and you recover everything! I'm bad at backing up - it takes sooo long and I don't do it often enough.

1 comment
ansalu by ansalu 24 Apr 2013

That's why I was so lazy with it too :o(

by asterixsew Moderator 24 Apr 2013

Have a hug you poor thing

by elizabethruth 24 Apr 2013

I back up every other day to a jump drive. The designs that I've downloaded. Then I put the designs into my final folders. And once a month I back up this final folder to 2 large jump drives, and my external hard drive. One of the jump drives goes into a place not inside my home, just in case of fire. Lord, I'd kill myself if I lost all my embroidery. Yes it takes a lot of time to do this. It helps that I also have a netbook that I can use while I'm doing the back up on here. I also have a group of embroidery friends and when I do my backups I send out a general letter to remind them to backup. You can never back up enough. Rather over kill than loose. I hope your recovery program works. But if not you can take it to a repair show who might be able to so it. Good luck.

by rescuer Moderator 24 Apr 2013

I hope you can discover your data.
I am glad your computer is lightening fast now.
I wish you lived closer to me -- so I could help you.

by maleah 24 Apr 2013

I think it happens to all of us at one time or another. Thank goodness my hubby bought an external backup and a new mac for me. Now, I can save without any fears. wish you well.

by airyfairy 24 Apr 2013

Oh Bettina - I am so sorry to hear this. Sarah.

by grossfamilie 24 Apr 2013

Ach du meine Güte, liebe Bettina! Poor girl - so it had to happen to
you but you turned it to the good and I cross fingers that you'll able to recover the missing data...
once it happened to me after having taken a lot of good and not to be repeated photos - like holiday in Tuscany, family and friend pictures
when I wanted to put them in computer files from my camera chip.
Could not recover these - in fact, they also still were there but were not recognized.
It is always a sad story...and back ups really are mandatory. My expert sons even tell me to have a second hard drive (or computer) and store one fire- and waterproof.
Greetings and Hugs - Maria

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by eleen edited 24 Apr 2013

Happened to me before as well. I have an external hd for the time machine but sometimes need the plug space so it is currently not plugged in- my backup is about 2 months old. Definetely going to be the first thing I do when I get home this afternoon. You have all my sympathy - appreciate the warning too.

by michemb 24 Apr 2013

So sorry that this has happened, I have a hard disk that I can schedule to back-up automatically (Sunday at 11:00) and this way I never forget. I too learned the hard way but was lucky to recover most of my files because I had backed up only a month before
Good luck finding the remaining files