by mops 29 Apr 2013

New Year's resolution.

I decided to use up all bits and pieces of yarn and do something about my fabric stash as well. Here's what I did in a month before the cross stitch bug bit me: 2 crochet baby blankets and 8 crochet hats plus one cheater panel quilted. It did not even make a dent in my stash, so I'll have to start knitting and crocheting again.


by kezza2sew 30 Apr 2013

That was a nice change then...lovely work.

by dianap 30 Apr 2013

all beautifully done with a kind heart, bless you.

by rsloan 29 Apr 2013

Apr 29, 2013 -- I think our stashes grow in the night when we aren't looking -- the more I use, the more there is to use. You have made some wonderful items here. Thanks for sharing with us.

by bumblebee 29 Apr 2013

Awesome use of your time and yarn. I like the quilt too!

by aussiequilter 29 Apr 2013

great work,,,, Martine

by mysew1325 29 Apr 2013

these are all stunning works..

by annyn 29 Apr 2013

Prachtig Martine. Je bent lekker bezig geweest.
Zijn er patronen voor het haken van een omslagdoek? Onze jongste dochter is zwanger en dol op gehaakte spulletjes. Ik zou het leuk vinden om zoiets voor haar te maken.

mops by mops 30 Apr 2013

Er is genoeg te vinden op internet, meestal Amerikaans, zoals
Ik ben de roze begonnen als een simpel vierkantje en doorgegaan tot hij groot genoeg was. De gele is in rijen gehaakt in een steek die ik leuk vond.

annyn by annyn 30 Apr 2013

Bedankt. Ik ga eens snuffelen op die site.

by jid53 29 Apr 2013

Great work nice panel. I wish I could crochet from a pattern but I have no idea

by tippi 29 Apr 2013

They are all great.

by baldacchino 29 Apr 2013

I love them all good work keep it up

by oaro 29 Apr 2013

beautiful work

by rescuer Moderator 29 Apr 2013

Very lovely!

by drh2276 29 Apr 2013

It's all very pretty, I need to do some more crocheting myself. I don't think I'll ever be able to use up all my yarn!

by asterixsew Moderator 29 Apr 2013

Lovely work and I too am sure I am sitting on a mountain of fabric, wool ad the like but have not had your get up and go ... yet

by pldc edited 29 Apr 2013

these are just lovely & you have reminded me to start using some of mine too, it has defiantey been awhile since I did crochet! the panel & the hats are darling. Hugs Loralye

1 comment
mops by mops 29 Apr 2013

Thanks Loralye, it was a long time ago for me too, but fortunately one never forgets.

by highlandermom 29 Apr 2013

Beautiful every stitch and the panel. You got me to thinking you are so right with the don't have to watch hands with the crochet. I seemed to get more of that done when my kids were little and then I had to set up late so could get counted stitches made and in the swing of things so I could as you put watch tv and move along till done. I still sit up late .... thanks for the inspiration I may dig up a pattern and some yarn before this day is done.

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mops by mops 29 Apr 2013

Thank you, and please show what you come up with!

by KCowden 29 Apr 2013

Sew pretty!!!!!!!!! When do you sleep???!!! Beautiful work!!! Don't know where I've been, but that is the first time I have heard cheater panel....very appropriate!!! LOL!!!

1 comment
mops by mops 29 Apr 2013

Thank you. I crochet while watching the evening news - unlike (hand) embroidery or knitting I can do quite a bit as I don't have to watch my hands.

by buffy1 29 Apr 2013


1 comment
mops by mops 29 Apr 2013


by cfidl 29 Apr 2013

Wow your hats look great! I love your cheater panel. All in all looks fab and I for one will never be rid of the stash!

mops by mops 29 Apr 2013

I'm afraid neither will I, but I have far too much at the moment.

mops by mops 29 Apr 2013

My children tell us they will rent a container and dump everything after our demise. So I'd better do something useful while I can :)

KCowden by KCowden 29 Apr 2013

LOL!!!! My children tell me the same thing!!!! What do they know???!!!

pldc by pldc 29 Apr 2013

mine too, silly kids ;0)lol

jid53 by jid53 29 Apr 2013

Two of mine say the same thing but luckily I have one daughter on my side and she loves all my stuff.

by sewilso 29 Apr 2013

Very nice, I love them!!!

1 comment
mops by mops 29 Apr 2013

Thank you.

by dennis999 29 Apr 2013

What a fantastic achievement Mrs. mops. Forgive my ignorance but what is a 'cheater panel.' I can see what it is (and very beautiful too) but am interested in how it gets this name? Many thanks.

mops by mops 29 Apr 2013

A cheater panel looks like patchwork or (in my case) appliqué as one would expect in a quilt, but is it a printed panel - hence the name.

dennis999 by dennis999 29 Apr 2013

Oh, I see. Thank you for your reply. It looks far too good to be associated with cheating. That's something new I have learned.

by anabela 29 Apr 2013

Love it, all so perfect, well done Mops.
Your panel is

1 comment
mops by mops 29 Apr 2013

Thank you.

by teun 29 Apr 2013

De deken is prachtig en de mutsjes ook zijn die voor 1baby of voor meer

mops by mops edited 29 Apr 2013

Dank je. Ik weet het nog niet, ik denk dat ik ze aan een goed doel geef.

pldc by pldc 29 Apr 2013

that is very generous of you Martine! Neo natal depts can always use them

teun by teun 29 Apr 2013

dat is een heel goed idee want ze zijn zo mooi

by smburt 29 Apr 2013

That's awesome and all so very pretty.

1 comment
mops by mops 29 Apr 2013

Thank you.