by almag 29 Apr 2013

What a site!! Isn't it great that we can all come to this Personal Section and checkup on cyber friends - their joys and sorrows - and follow up how they are getting along.

And it all started from Machine Embroidery!!
It took me a long, long time to scrape up the courage to open my embroidery unit and try my first machine embroidery stitches and then this wonderful new world just blossomed - here I found the way to try things I'd never have done alone and friends to help me when I stumbled along the way.
I wonder how many 'new' friends here have waited for the right moment to step into the unknown and then find an equally grand time creating beautiful things with their ME.


by eyeztodiefor10 01 May 2013

Alma, it took me a year after I had my Singer futura to try the embroidery. I was just too intimidated and didn't think I could do it. Now I have a janome that just does embroidery and a brother for quilting and sewing..I could kick myself for putting it off because it's easier than I ever dreamed. You are not alone in waiting!!!

by beatie58 30 Apr 2013

I agree Alma I have learned sooooooooo much here and have met some wonderful people such a great place to come.

by almag 30 Apr 2013

Well, thank you to everyone for your messages.
I'm hoping that new friends and members will hop in without fear and ask those questions for which they are seeking answers - answers which will enhance their ME adventure. There is no question so small or insignificant that doesn't need or hasn't any answer. We all love to share our knowledge and help when we can ..... that's a strong and common bond here - and the depth of knowledge is infinite.

by asterixsew Moderator 30 Apr 2013

Alma thanks for these great words

by jussyc 30 Apr 2013

I so enjoy your posts Alma :) Very well said. Jussy

by gerryvb 30 Apr 2013

thank you : the Cute family feeling is returning. Yes, caring and sharing !

by jrob Moderator 30 Apr 2013

Alma, you made the sun shine out from behind the clouds. ;)

by quail 30 Apr 2013

Well said. Been there, too.

by 02kar Moderator 30 Apr 2013

I agree. My Cute family helped to keep me sane during my husband's last 6 month deployment 4 years ago. I was never alone while he was gone thanks to Cute.

by cfidl 30 Apr 2013


by rescuer Moderator 29 Apr 2013

The friends I found here on Cute are the greatest! I learned so much about embroidery from Cuties. I bought my machine second hand with no hope for any local help. Cuties around the world have taught and are still teaching me so very much.
Thank you for posting and I am so glad you are a Cutie too.

by crafter2243 Moderator 29 Apr 2013

Very well said.
All that I know I learned from the Cute community since I bought my first machine from QVC and one can not expect any help from them. It is wonderful to know that when you post a question that someone is likely to give you the answer. Another benefit is the friends I made here. Wouldn't want to be without them.

by marjialexa Moderator 29 Apr 2013

Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with us, Alma! I think we've all felt like you have at one time or another, and to find a wonderful place like this to get the help you need with your "thread nest" or stabilizer problem, or be inspired by something in Projects. I'm so glad you decided to jump in and share your feelings especially at this time, you just made my day with your expression of joy and hope. Big hugs to you, for seeing the positive in the Community, and contributing to it. Marji

by lyns 29 Apr 2013

Thank you for posting this AlmaG. This is what Cuties is all about. Lyn. xx