I'm neither a lady nor am I cute and you will be delighted to know that I don't live anywhere near you....lol. Hey, I've just realised that if I were to re-arrange the layout of what I have just typed, it would read just like a poem. Okay, crawling back into my man cave now.
Hi fIona,
Thought there were more of us here in the UK,
but we do seem to have most of it covered lol..
Big hugs from London
Maria xx
Wishing you all the very best Fiona. Gloucestershire is a lovely county and I hope you and your family will be happy there. Hugs Sarah.
Hi Fiona. Welcome to England from a sunny? Liverpool. I doubt we could match Cape Town Cuties for getting together but will keep you in mind if and when we are planning a visit to your neck of the woods. You never know. Regards Jan.
asterixsew Caroline United Kingdom
bunnyhop Cynthia United Kingdom
cathiejones Cathie Oxfordshire, England
dianap Diana United Kingdom
gillemmerson Gill Emmerson England
janetedna Janet Williamson Liverpool,England
jeanfoz Jean United Kingdom
jowat Jo Sheffield, England
justsew Pam Daykin United Kingdom
kathd Kath England
lique Angelique Norwich, United Kingdom
lizell Lizell Jackson England
mooie24 Maria London, United Kingdom
nannynorfolk Marie United Kingdom
sewjo Josephine England
suedewsbury Sue United Kingdom
suet Susan Somerset, England
It wasn't meant to be I don't know how it happened. I've tried deleting it, but it wouldn't let me delete them. These are just ones I have on my own spreadsheet. I'm not sure if all are still current. Sorry for the stuff up. Love Chris
Think the only way to delete a post or comment completely is using the "report abuse"-function. I make this when I made a double post. There you can choose between different reasons and I clicked then on others. Not sure but as I rememered there is a field where you can write a message and I always wrote there DOUBLE POST. Works really properly :o)
Greetings, Bettina
PS: You have some on your list I missed so I can complete mine...
Have you got hiccups Chris or are you having trouble working that new laptop of yours?