Most excellent! I'm always a little shy about complaining about free designs. Thanks for taking care of us.
Well done, and great to hear they took it so well. The C could lose it's lower 'curlybits' to make them look more different from each other, I think.
Thanks. I know that good owners want to make their customers happy. And it is good to know when an owner does the right thing.
I do go there, Jo, and they have beautiful Grape Vine designs! I bought the Dog Berry designs! They are sooo pretty! It was because of your rec that I went there! It won't be hard at all to turn that C into a full-fledged G!
way to go Jo & I totally agree with you it looks exactly the same as the C. hugs Loralye
How nice that is! I'll check out that site, since they are so sensitive to what their customers need! I like that kind of company! They actually do care!