by michemb 23 Jul 2013

Just had to show you this new bib, I have three to make for our family reunion Labor weekend. We have three new babies in the family and our theme for the reunion is Hoedown. All our acitivites will be held at a farm and the dance and 4 days of fun will be held in the huge barn, we all had to wear something theme appropriate so I thought our little babies would look great in these. I will show the others when I finish them. Translation ``the frisky cowboy``, this little guy is quick and hard to keep up with at 16 months old.

Thanks for looking again and again,


by buffy1 25 Jul 2013

very cute

by grandmeaux1 25 Jul 2013

Someone from Texas thinks this is very, very cute. Good Job.

by lenamae 24 Jul 2013

love it so cute did you do the design?

1 comment
michemb by michemb 24 Jul 2013

I did not digitize but I did combine a few designs on this one

by pldc 24 Jul 2013

I never get tired of seeing your creations! You inspire me to make things too! this is soooooooooooo cute! Well done & it will definitely be a big hit! hugs Loralye

1 comment
michemb by michemb 24 Jul 2013

Thanks so much Lorayle,
Anxious to see what the parents will think of these

by noah 24 Jul 2013

you do such a great job on baby things love it hugs 4u2

1 comment
michemb by michemb 24 Jul 2013

I think I have had plenty of practice lol

by bonnetgirl 24 Jul 2013

I love your bibs and was hoping you will tell where you got pattern. I think you posted it before but I didn't need it then. Expecting a new GGC this December and want to make some real quick since we will be taking a trip to see them soon.
Hugs Jo

1 comment
michemb by michemb 24 Jul 2013

this is where I got my patttern, I purchased it. There may be some free ones out there and maybe someone can help you with that. I have had mine for some time now,
thanks and good luck

by mysew1325 24 Jul 2013

.. your bibs are so cute... another great one

1 comment
michemb by michemb 24 Jul 2013

Thanks alot

by stella1 24 Jul 2013

Michelle very beautiful and cute love the design on it the colors are allso beautiful the combitations of the material is very nice huggiesstella

1 comment
michemb by michemb 24 Jul 2013

Thank you so much Stella

by oaro 24 Jul 2013

so cute

1 comment
michemb by michemb 24 Jul 2013

Thanks Maria

by airyfairy 24 Jul 2013

You have made this beautifully - well done. Sarah.

1 comment
michemb by michemb 24 Jul 2013

Thank you Sarah

by danie 24 Jul 2013

Trop cute!

1 comment
michemb by michemb 24 Jul 2013


by rosakent 24 Jul 2013

I love it, it brought a big smile to my face, I'm looking forward to seeing the other two.

1 comment
michemb by michemb 24 Jul 2013

Happy that it makes you happy lol

by cece1 24 Jul 2013

You have done it again! Mommy should be so happy to receive such a thoughtful, cute gift. Thanks for showing this, hugs.

1 comment
michemb by michemb 24 Jul 2013

Thank you,
I can't wait to see the three new babies wearing their bibs,

by awesome1 24 Jul 2013

A keeper, for sure...adorable!

1 comment
michemb by michemb 24 Jul 2013

Thanks alot

by karenjay 24 Jul 2013

sew cute!

1 comment
michemb by michemb 24 Jul 2013

Thanks Karen

by harleysville 24 Jul 2013

Love it all. Great font, fabric and trim.

1 comment
michemb by michemb 24 Jul 2013

Thank you,
love this Western alpha, they are so cute,

by lidiad 24 Jul 2013

That's adorable!
Hugs, Lidia

1 comment
michemb by michemb 24 Jul 2013

Thank you Lidia
hugs back

by vero28 24 Jul 2013

Bonjour Michelle,
Beau bavoir personnalisé, c'est sur il sera tout beau avec ça. Peut être fera t'il plus attention en mangeant pour ne pas le salir.
Dis moi, que signifie "Hoedown" ?
Bonne continuation.

michemb by michemb 24 Jul 2013

Bonjour Vero,

Ca fait longtemps qu'on c'est pas parler, j'espère que tu va bien. Un ''Hoedown'' est une expression du bon vieux temps pour décrire la fête ou célébration dans la famille lors d'une nouvelle construction de ferme, tout le monde danse, chante, le tous sur le thème de ferme, ''cowboy'', ou ''la vie en compagne''. Mon beau-frère n'a plus animaux de ferme alors nous allons passer notre fin de semaine en fête, autour de la grange. Un grand ressemblent de famille ou nous allons bien nous amuser.

Voila ce qu'est un ''Hoedown''

À la prochaine,


vero28 by vero28 26 Jul 2013

C'est ce qu'on appelle en France une "pendaison de crémaillère" j'ai l'impression.
Merci pour tes explications et je vais bien merci de t'en inquiéter. J'ai juste beaucoup de boulot et rentre tard, ce qui fait que je n'ai pas trop de temps pour aller sur internet et encore moins pour faire quelques activités manuelles que ce soit et en plus j'ai un problème avec ma main. Mon pouce est gonflé et je ne peux plus le plier.
Le peu de temps que j'ai, je l'utilise pour préparer des cartes d'invitation pour les noces de diamant de mes parents. Je dois les envoyer avant mi août et j'ai à peine commencé.
Houlala, je raconte ma vie là.
Bon week-end, à bientôt.

by justsew 23 Jul 2013

lovely work and geat fabric.
hugs pam.

1 comment
michemb by michemb 24 Jul 2013

Thanks Pam
The fabric is a perfect match for our ''Cowboy'', farm theme

by capoodle edited 23 Jul 2013

Very cute and sounds like lots of family members to keep up with the little guy at the family get together.

1 comment
michemb by michemb 24 Jul 2013

Thanks Anita,
It will take all of us to keep an eye on this little guy, moves to quickly for my old body lol,

by clawton 23 Jul 2013

So cute. sounds like you all have a great time.

1 comment
michemb by michemb 24 Jul 2013

It is coming up in 6 weeks, I have so much to do, I am the organizer and co-ordinator for the whole weekend so I am a busy beaver right now,

by devon 23 Jul 2013

So cute well done

1 comment
michemb by michemb 24 Jul 2013

Thanks Devon
So nice to see you back

by highlandermom 23 Jul 2013

This is very cute.

1 comment
michemb by michemb 24 Jul 2013

Thanks Mary,
I think so too,

by lulu07 23 Jul 2013

This one is too cute, love the font you used....busy lady! hugs my friend

1 comment
michemb by michemb 24 Jul 2013

Busy, busy, busy lol