by michemb 26 Jul 2013

Hi cuties,

Here is the last bib installment for the ''Hoedown'' lol,
this is ''My Cowboy Alex'', he is a cute blond baby so I think this one will stand out on him.
Thanks for looking, now I am leaving on holiday for a few days and will drop in at Joann's Fabric's (my first visit) so I will have some fun.


by blueeyedblonde 11 Aug 2013

great job!

by pldc 09 Aug 2013

terrific Michelle & have a wonderful time. Be sure to go online & print off any coupons JoAnn has offered I think there is a 40% off one now. Hugs Loralye

by sqdancer 09 Aug 2013

Hope you had a great holiday and didn't get toooo carried away in Joann's .. hugs x0x0x Glenda

by noah 27 Jul 2013

Boy u are good at baby things and u do an excellrent job hugs Carolyn

by stella1 27 Jul 2013

Hello Michelle this bib is very cute and beautiful Havea very great Holiday and enjoy this Have been a nice shopping Huggies stella

1 comment
michemb by michemb 27 Jul 2013

thank you Stella,
hugs back and have a nice day

by nannarody 26 Jul 2013

i just love it job well don

michemb by michemb 27 Jul 2013

Thank you, and ''WELCOME'' to cute, you will enjoy yourself here and learn alot
Happy embroidering
Michelle in Montreal

pldc by pldc 09 Aug 2013

yes indeed welcome to our cute family! Hugs Loralye

by oaro 26 Jul 2013

another nice bib

1 comment
michemb by michemb 27 Jul 2013

Thanks again,

by capoodle 26 Jul 2013

Nice job on it and the bright red with his light hair coloring will make it easy to keep track of him.

1 comment
michemb by michemb 27 Jul 2013

lol this one doesn't walk yet so we should be able to keep him rounded up,

by lidiad 26 Jul 2013

That's beautiful and professionally made, as usual.
Hugs, Lidia

1 comment
michemb by michemb 27 Jul 2013

thank you Lidia
Hugs back

by lulu07 26 Jul 2013

Another cute one...can you share where you got the font Please! Thanks my friend.

michemb by michemb 27 Jul 2013
Thanks so much, I found out where I purchased this one , here is the link I hope it works.

michemb by michemb 27 Jul 2013

BTW it is on at 50% off right now.

by highlandermom 26 Jul 2013

Looks great and I wish you a great time over all and you find lots of good buys at JoAnns.

1 comment
michemb by michemb 27 Jul 2013

Thanks Mary,
Have a list made up, hope I find lots of fun fabrics and good prices,

by joyce05 26 Jul 2013

A really darling bib. He will look dashing in this one.

1 comment
michemb by michemb 27 Jul 2013

Thanks Joyce

by karenjay 26 Jul 2013

another cutie - these babies will be the best dressed at the hoedown I am sure. Have fun shopping

1 comment
michemb by michemb 27 Jul 2013

That's what I hoping for, thanks alot

by vero28 26 Jul 2013

Bonnes vacances Michelle.

1 comment
michemb by michemb 27 Jul 2013

merci Vero

by 02kar Moderator 26 Jul 2013

He will be adorable in this cute bib. Be sure to print out your coupons before you go to Joann's. Hope you get a lot of good bargains.

1 comment
michemb by michemb 27 Jul 2013

Thanks Karen,
looking forward to that part of my Holiday,

by buffy1 26 Jul 2013

very cute! Have fun at joann's fabric !

1 comment
michemb by michemb 27 Jul 2013

Thanks, I am sure I will as long as I don't go broke lol