Dear O2kar, It could be worse. Years ago in my church choir a dear lady asked us all to pray for her cat. He had slipped into the dryer while she was loading it, and he had about a four minute ride before she got concerned about the loud banging noise the dryer was making and checked the distribution of her load. She said the cat sauntered out kinda drunk and had spent the next three days avoiding both her and her laundry room. And seemed slightly disoriented.
glad to hear your keeping everything nice and dry ") can't wait to see all the lovely and amazing things you are making. so break out that dry camera. put in some new batteries and post the pic's for all of us to google at
Heard today: "It's not a "senior moment"' it's "going rogue". Lol
Well, I for one am delighted to hear that you have managed to keep on the straight and narrow these past few months and that you have been creating all manner of interesting things. Now, this camera of yours. Do you know where it is? I only ask because a certain Sarah (who wanted to share with us the beautiful view of a spectacular sunset from her balcony) took so long to find her camera that by the time she got back to the balcony, said spectacular sunset had gone all fuzzy!!!!!
Oh, and whilst on the subject of cameras.........................have you checked the battery recently? tsk...tsk
Dennis, what would we do without you! You have a REALLY big job keeping all these ladies in line! Keep it going!!