Those are really nice. I have a suggestion. If you are having trouble with the camera to post pictures, try scanning your item and sharing it that way. Sometimes it works really well, and doesn't move like we do when we try to take pictures. I always seem to move when the camera is focusing; especially in low light or high contrast. :) Just a thought.
ok i got scanner on my printer but i have NO IDEA what to do u would half to give me a lesson and in baby steps.I am willing to try lol hugs
Scan it just like you would scan a document, but name it .jpg instead of .doc or which ever program you use. You can even lay a fabric or decorative paper over the work to give it some background. Just tinker, and I bet you find some awesome results!!
I'll help you out,check under freebies
lovely I will get it for you, hugs Loralye