by mops Moderator 02 Aug 2013

Clipartoon has a new series of freebies, little clothes. I ddigitised the 3 that has been posted so far, see picture for #1. You can find the designs on Yoriko's site. And you'll find the cornflower designs there as well.


by spendlove Moderator 06 Aug 2013

Cute designs - I like the lighter touch!

1 comment
mops by mops 06 Aug 2013

It's only the white that has the fabric shine through, different brand of thread. I set the density at 4.7 but I have use 5 quite often. As long as the fabric is of a light plain colour that works well.

by noah 02 Aug 2013

So sweet .Will go over to yo,s site .I have a membership there.hugs