by osueo 06 Aug 2013

Why do small sewing/embroidery/quilting shops fail??

Because they LACK CUSTOMER SERVICE......
Reschedule a class you have paid for when you have to be out of town, offer it but do NOT let you know when a "RESCHEDULE" is rescheduled, will not reschedule if you yourself cannot make it to class because of bad traffic and physical disabilities because of bad traffic and PA beyond your control-you do NOT know 24 hours in advance if traffic is going to be HORRIBLE---have had issues with store for many years-----mainly LACK OF CUSTOMER SERVICE---if customer service existed there then perhaps the store would NOT GO OUT OF BUSINESS----THANK you, Cuties, for allowing me to vent-----I hope they find peace after treating me like they did-----God bless y'all!!!! and HAPPY STITCHING:):):)


by cfidl 11 Aug 2013

I have found that with most contractors, once the money is transferred, they lose interest. It is unfortunate that obligations seem so trivial to business owners, and frustrating for the person who feels "left out in the cold". Happy Stitching to you also! may your machine not need repair!

osueo by osueo 13 Aug 2013

Thank you:):):):)
My 780D has been working GREAT as long as I remember to bump the tension up to 6!!!! One repairperson actually had me come in and we figured out I would need to do that for every thing I stitch out---she also had me try a thread stand to have the thread have more time to come out smoother---seems to work:):):))
Have found my NEW STORE----1 1/2 hours SOUTH and they have everything I use and CUSTOMER SERVICE:):):)instead of 30 minutes north and HORRIBLE TRAFFIC and LACK OF CUSTOMER SERVICE::):):)Their loss and their going out of business/retiring!! I wish them the best.....
Thank you for your kind thoughts and ideas.
God bless you:):):)

osueo by osueo 13 Aug 2013

Thank you:):):):)
My 780D has been working GREAT as long as I remember to bump the tension up to 6!!!! One repairperson actually had me come in and we figured out I would need to do that for every thing I stitch out---she also had me try a thread stand to have the thread have more time to come out smoother---seems to work:):):))
Have found my NEW STORE----1 1/2 hours SOUTH and they have everything I use and CUSTOMER SERVICE:):):)instead of 30 minutes north and HORRIBLE TRAFFIC and LACK OF CUSTOMER SERVICE::):):)Their loss and their going out of business/retiring!! I wish them the best.....
Thank you for your kind thoughts and ideas.
God bless you:):):)

by jobaby 09 Aug 2013

Agree with you 100%. Courtesy and understanding go a long way in making a customer return and even if the shop is right, no customers will make it fail. We bought a Viking because the dealer was so terrific and she retired and the group that got her business are uncaring, unhelpful, and do not seen to give a ####. They have a corner on the market carrying all machines except Bernina in all of the north part of my state. As soon as I can find another place, I am away from them and give them as little business now as possible.

1 comment
osueo by osueo 10 Aug 2013

Good point!!!!Many who "TAKE OVER" do NOT have the same caring attitude and customer service and courtesy as the original persons. I have found that TOO many times, God bless you..

by boogie1818 08 Aug 2013

I take exception to your comments about lack of customer service. I used to own a quilt shop so I know what I am speaking of. What about the rude customer who calls at 6:15 pm to say she forgot about the class that started at 6:00 pm and wants a refund? When I say "No" she bad mouths me to her friends - distorting the truth! Having to drop a class is unfortunate but to blame the owner because you can't make it THEN looking for a refund is absurd. Sometimes the customer is not always right.

stitchinkate by stitchinkate 09 Aug 2013

I tend to agree with you. Yes, there are people who have legitimate excuses for not being able to make it but customers often don't realize that if the shop owner had to rearrange for every customer who doesn't make it to class they would be on constant reset. It takes a lot of time, effort, and often money in time spent preparing for a class. There was one time I hade 6 people signed up and only one came to the class. The other five kits that I had spent time and money preparing sat there unused. That was when I decided to charge in advance with no refund for not showing up. It's hard to do it but people take terrible advantage, and it's always those who ruin it for everyone else.

osueo by osueo 10 Aug 2013

I called---was PROMISED a makeup-----I have had issues with them for many years regarding TOTAL LACK of customer service since they opened-----They continue to be rude as they have from the beginning. Especially found issues with their lack of knowledge of their machines---a HORRIBLE repairperson who "FIXED" machines and they were NOT fixed and were worse than when taken in for repair----and the CUSTOMER was made to feel REALLY BAD because the IMPORTED "REPAIRPERSON" didn't even fix it right----a combination of things that caused the closing but I felt it MOSTLY in LACK of customer service....Others said the same thing. Thank you for your thoughts.

by dailylaundry 07 Aug 2013

I hope you get a refund too!!! By the way - you have a PM - up at the top of the page - to the right - the number within the red oval. Hugs to you, Laura*

1 comment
osueo by osueo 07 Aug 2013

I did NOT get a refund---after they consulted their LAWYER-----HOW RIDICULOUS---they were NOT obligated to give me a refund---I didn't give them 24 hours notice----even though I called to say I WOULD NOT be there-they said it was a "NO SHOW" even though I called----Thanks for your ideas--God bless you:):):)

by greysewist Moderator 07 Aug 2013

How very disappointing for you. I hope you asked for and received a refund. It doesn't just apply to sewing related businesses of course. Luckily there are many other businesses who do so well at customer service that they put those few who don't to shame.

1 comment
osueo by osueo 07 Aug 2013

Thanks for your thoughts--the lack of customer service I have NEVER seen at that particular store---consulted their lawyer---how ridiculous---CYA----So I will take my business down the road 60 miles to a store that has a well established repair person on premisis who prides himself in his ability to repair---they offer tons of classes and the brand of thread and supplies that I LOVE!!!Thanks for your kind comments--God bless you!!