by joaniessw 04 Jun 2008

I will be gone a few days ladies. Out of town tmrw and getting ready for garage sale this week-end. Will miss you. Love and blessings, Joanie


by minnieb 05 Jun 2008

have fun don't stay away to long or we will put you on our MIA file( When we make one)take care

by ezzemml 04 Jun 2008

What ever you are doing I hope it is as much fun as it is here. Have a good time.

by lbrow 04 Jun 2008

Have a nice time, b safe. Make lots of $$$ at your yard sale *4U

by jrob Moderator 04 Jun 2008

Hope you double what you are expecting at your garage sale!;)

by dlonnahawkins 04 Jun 2008

Enjoy the time away, and good luck at your garage sale.

by shirleysisson 04 Jun 2008

Enjoy your time away and good luck with the sale. We'll miss you. *4U

by clawton 04 Jun 2008

Have fun!

by colonies1 04 Jun 2008

good luck on the garage sale and have fun, we'll be here when you get back. Flower for you.........

by pafhen 04 Jun 2008

Well if you gotta go then you just gotta go, but you could drop by and pick me up, I would love to tag along. ;-) Have a great few days while you are gone and good luck on your GS