by mops 20 Aug 2013


I cut my lavender in the garden and filled a number of bags. Strictly speaking this is not embroidery, but sewing. I used some of the stitches on my machine and a wing needle for some. Cut a strip the width of my fabric and had a go at


by lindav 20 Aug 2013

These turn out so elegant, the wing needle really creates a high styled look, they are beautiful.

Linda V

by lidiad 20 Aug 2013

A great idea to decorate the bags. They are gorgeous!
Hugs, Lidia

by joansatx 20 Aug 2013

Very pretty!

by annyn 20 Aug 2013

Wat ontzettend leuk Martine. Ik vind de zakjes echt nostalgie.

by pldc 20 Aug 2013

Oh these are quite lovely & I'm sure the photo does not do them justice! Hugs & ** Loralye

1 comment
mops by mops 20 Aug 2013

Thank you!

by jrob Moderator 20 Aug 2013

These are wonderful. I have some lavender in my garden, I should try this. ;)

1 comment
mops by mops 20 Aug 2013

Thanks. It's fun to make. Last year I made a lot muslin bags on the serger (3 sides only) and had several left over, filled those with this year's lavender and stitched the last side. I store them in a tin till I have the outer bags (still need a new a batch of outer bags).

by oaro 20 Aug 2013

love the idea

1 comment
mops by mops 20 Aug 2013


by highlandermom 20 Aug 2013

I love,love lavender I wish I could grow French variety but won't grow and stay around in my area. These bags are first rate love them. I know this may be silly question. But I am a curious gal. So Is the wing needle like cutwork? I got a cutwork kit last year when hubby got me Embird at Christmas and I hope to try it out. This is great idea so pretty!!!!

mops by mops 20 Aug 2013

No the wing needle ( called sword needle in Dutch) has the shape of a sword, but only has a sharp point. The wngs are blunt.
Cutwork needles really cut the fabric, the wing needle just pushes the threads to the sides.

highlandermom by highlandermom 20 Aug 2013

Thanks I dug out the cd and watched the cutwork really interesting now will look into the wing more. That helps me see their purpose. I will have to go for both. I just had basic 101 sewing until this machine. I am loving the discovery of what I can do.

gandu by gandu 20 Aug 2013

I have wing needles but never used it i dont know how to use them what type of emb do i use and what material your lavender bags are lovely

by teun 20 Aug 2013

Ze zien er heel mooi uit

1 comment
mops by mops 20 Aug 2013

Dank je.

by dragonflyer 20 Aug 2013

These are lovely...I bought some lavender and it it beautiful, but I think I got the wrong doesn't smell...what variety do I need to look for next time? Love the wing needle detail!

1 comment
mops by mops 20 Aug 2013

I don't know what variety mine is, I got a few cuttings from my sister-in-law and I liked the smell, so I'll make cuttings this year to get some more plants.

by pennifold 20 Aug 2013

These are truly elegant Martine. Love Lavender and always have some Lavender oil in my oil burners. Love Chris

1 comment
mops by mops 20 Aug 2013

Thank you, I do too, great smell. My children think it's for old ladies. Well at least I qualify on the first, not to sure about the lady though.

by babolucia 20 Aug 2013

such elegant details! Love white on white.

1 comment
mops by mops 20 Aug 2013

Thank you.

by noah 20 Aug 2013

one word only AWESOME)) Hugs

1 comment
mops by mops 20 Aug 2013

Thank you. Now and again I love to do things myself instead of having my machine do them for me. Especially when I have been digitising.