by osueo 24 Aug 2013

What gives PERSONS the right to park their fancy yellow ROCKET in the stripey lines in the middle of HANDICAPPED PARKING SPACES RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ACCESS RAMP when I cannot even open my door and go in to the store SAFELY and another car pulls up in the opposite space---with her proper sticker----and I see the look of terror, fear, and confusion on her face-----she cannot SAFELY get out of her car---get her HP passenger and herself out SAFELY----she cannot even get up the ramp SAFELY-----but when the person comes out of the store-----I was just in there for a minute-----and in that minute 2 cars CANNOT park and discharge their HP passengers and get them up the ramp SAFELY!!!!GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR


by airyfairy 28 Aug 2013

This is one of my pet moans. People are just too lazy not to mention selfish to walk a bit. Makes my blood boil.

by sewtired 26 Aug 2013

I sympathize. One of our local stores also has 30 minute pharmacy parking and expectant mom parking spaces as well. I saw a young man get out of the car in the expectant mother space. I didn't see a passenger. Hmmm, pretty sure he wasn't an expectant mom. And I've been to the pharmacy and never seen the person who parked in that space show up there. Some folks are just selfish.

osueo by osueo 26 Aug 2013

And those who are in need suffer.
God bless you.

jerrib by jerrib 26 Aug 2013

The malls really need to have better ways of monitoring this. I report it whenever I can.

by dander163 26 Aug 2013

08-26-2013 I knew someone that had a handicap license plate and parked illegally since they could not access the parking spots, and took their ticket to court and won. She was told she should have taken it to the police station and they should have destroyed the ticket since handicap cars are not supposed to be given tickets. I recommend checking out the policy in your area. I dislike the term handicap, since I know the origins of the term--you are differently abled.

1 comment
osueo by osueo 26 Aug 2013

I like the differently abled:):):)
Ticket---should have been destroyed.
God bless you.

by bnilla9241 26 Aug 2013

I definitely hear you !!!
I depend on a motorized wheelchair van and have a sign on the side saying not to park within 8 feet of the van.
Went to Best Buy, finished my business in about 10 minutes, 100 degrees and an obviously not handicapped lady who parked in two HC slots said she did not see the sign! She was in a brand new Cadillac SUV she needed the space!! Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !

1 comment
osueo by osueo 26 Aug 2013

That just INFURIATES me.
Did she have a handicapped permit?????/
I just have to pity them----
AND as I said before
I pray that those ---- persons NEVER become handicapped and NEVER have to be confined to a wheelchair for ANYTHING!!!!!!!
God bless you and keep you and lok over and keep you safe:):):)

by dec716 25 Aug 2013

that's what happened when 'we' (those of us old enough) raised the 'me' generation in the '70s & '80s.

osueo by osueo 25 Aug 2013

That is a thought----
Not all are that way!!!!
Praise the Lord for that!!!1
Thanks for your ideas:):)

dec716 by dec716 26 Aug 2013

of course there are exceptions. When you look for them you see them everyday. Like the young tattooed man with a ponytail that insisted I go ahead of him in the checkout, or holding the door open for me. My point is look for the good things too! I understand the frustration about the parking spaces. When this happens think of something that makes you smile and lower your bloodpressure

by diamondfowler 25 Aug 2013

I have been on the other end of that, I had a liver transplant and had to use the handy capped stall in the bath room to help me get up and this rude person said as I was coming out that stall was for handy cap people, I weighted about 90 lbs and looked like death its self, so I try not to judge others because I haven't walked in their shoes.

1 comment
osueo by osueo 25 Aug 2013

SOME people REALLY have NO CLUE what it is like to be handicapped---that person had NO RIGHT to judge you---and you are SO RIGHT about walking in others' shoes---my husband has been handicapped for the past 7 years-I have been for the last year---I have had to transfer him many times in a wheel chair---I have been in a wheel chair for 6 weeks and go back in a wheel chair again this week for 6 more weeks (hopefully that is ALL)==we BOTH have the proper handicapped stickers---both cars that I mentioned (ours and the other car)--had our proper stickers and they were displayed and the cycle was parked where neither car could SAFELY discharge our handicapped passengers safely and get up the ramp safely---the cyclist had NONE and was RUDE---I just pray that he NEVER has to be in a wheel chair and that he thinks TWICE or THREE times before he decides to park his cycle ILLEGALLY and block access to HP persons-----AND I pray that your health improves and that you are feeling better--God Bless you!!!!!!and thank you for your kind and thoughful comments and ideas--they were so helpful and comforting:):):)

by oigelcox 24 Aug 2013

Some obnoxious people think that they are above the law and that laws dont apply to them. Hugs Joyce

1 comment
osueo by osueo 25 Aug 2013

I agree--whenever I see that violation I call the local authorities and report them.
Thank you and God bless you.

by eyeztodiefor10 24 Aug 2013

I would have blocked them in with my car (flashers on) and gone in the store to get the manager. They do it because no one enforces the law. I don't blame you for being angry, it made me angry just reading about insensitive idiots who have the right to drive but apparently not the ability to follow the laws of driving.....

1 comment
osueo by osueo 25 Aug 2013

Thank you and I agree SEW COMPLETELY!!!! I called the manager from my car and told him I couldn't get out and up the ramp safely and then I called the local law enforcement officials. My husband stood by the car until the person came out---I was really upset and angry-chewed the guy out-and husband stood where the guy tried to get out and my husband refused to move--so the guy had to manuver about 5 minutes to finally get his cycle out---hope he thinks A LONG HARD TIME before he parks ILLEGALLY and blocks handicapped access again---but more than anything, I pray that the person NEVER has to be in a wheelchair----it is NOT FUN-----God bless you and thank you for your comments.

by jerrib 24 Aug 2013

I personalliy would like to be able to call someone and have them tow'd away. They might think twice about doing it again. All handicap spots should have a phone number to call if someone is parked there that shouldn't be. I would even park behind the car until the tow truck showed up. Its just like the inconsidered drivers, who take up two spots, just because they think their car is better than everyone else's. Park at the far end of the lot and not right up near the doors, if your car is so much more valuable... Wow I got that off my chest didn't

osueo by osueo 24 Aug 2013

I ALWAYS call the non-emergency number and report them---I ALWAYS get a positive and quick response from them--better NOT to confront them yourself---but sometimes I do---I know they can hurt you, but sometimes I just get so upset I don't care. I just pray they NEVER have to be in a wheel chair!!!! Thank you for your kind thoughts:):):)

jerrib by jerrib 24 Aug 2013

Good for you. I know some of our Malls in my area have security guys on bikes that go around and check things out. I have a few times, pointed out the offending cars to one of the guys if I see them.

by pennifold 24 Aug 2013

I HEAR YOU! It is so amazing that people have the gall to do that when they know they shouldn't. HP have specifically designated areas here in Australia too so that they can get in and out easily from their cars, we should all observe it and leave the spots free for them. I have never taken a handicapped space just for the convenience of it. I'd rather walk the extra mile if need be, just to avoid drivers who are not so considerate. Love and blessings Chris, Newcastle, Australia.

osueo by osueo 24 Aug 2013

It must be WORLDWIDE that persons do not THINK about the spaces for us who are handicapped or who care for those who are handicapped===I get angry and upset==BUTTTTTT my prayer is that I pray those who park in those spaces WITHOUT being handicapped or caring for a handicapped person will NEVERRRRRRRRRR become handicapped themselves--I do NOT wish a handicapped condition on ANYONE!!!!THANK YOU, pennifold, for your understanding thoughts from Down Under:)):)

eyeztodiefor10 by eyeztodiefor10 24 Aug 2013

stupidity has no geographical boundaries!!!

osueo by osueo 25 Aug 2013
