by amarilloactor 05 Jun 2008

I tried to d/l the design sorting file from nellybeans and it won't let me download it. Do you have to be a member? Do anyone know what I am doing wrong? Thanks for all of your help! Eric


by cordura5 05 Jun 2008

I do almost the same thing Mumra does. I have a folder called 'embroidery, but my first set of subfolders is the site I got them from. After that, I have the rest of the subfolders. So for this site, under my embroidery folder I have one for Cute. Then in that I have one for each catagory (lace, alphabet, etc. Then I divide those, like under alphabet I have 'Goldfont.' This was very simple to do, but I have done it since the very beginning, so I've been saved the task of going back and sorting everything. More time to sew!

by jrob Moderator 05 Jun 2008

Eric, I did have to join, but they only send out 1 email per month, so it is not an annoying thing. You can also go to the forum there and she posts other free designs there. She leaves them up for 1 week and they then go on sale on her site. It is a good start to organizing your files. You may find that you want to alter parts of it, but it would be alot of work already done to have the blank folders there to start with. ;)

by sueffb1 05 Jun 2008

I also have created my own folder system like Mumra. It have been very easy to keep my designs organized. Good luck at whatever you decide to do. Sue

by mops Moderator 05 Jun 2008

I tried to DL just to see what was in it, and could not unless I became a member. But I have my own system, just like mumra.

by mumra 05 Jun 2008

You can always do this yourself by creating a master folder Embroidery and then a series of folders inside for the different categories that you collect like animals, children, sports, flowers etc. Inside these folders you can create subfolders like inside animals you could have jungle, farm, realistic, or bears, bunnies etc. This would then be perfect for you and as you download your freebies and paid designs you could save them into the correct folder. It is very easy to do. If you need help you can send me an email :-)

by ezzemml 05 Jun 2008

You do have to be a member but it is free you just need to sign in

by lyn4 05 Jun 2008

I joined as a member & downloaded OK. It is a series of named empty folders for you to place you embroidery zips into. I didn't have any problems though. *4U

by lbrow 05 Jun 2008

Eric I couldn't get it to DL either & I joined, others have also had problems I keep hoping someone will tell us what our problem is. Sorry, hopefully help will b forthcoming *4U