The possum might have been suffering from shock.We have brush tail possums living in our trees but they must be larger than your possums because I couldn't see Gandalf or a Scottie catching one unless it was sick , let alone getting it through a doggy door.
It was a youngster...the body perhaps 9-12 inches long not including the tail. it was the second one. I understand they have a litter of sometimes 12. I hope any others stay away. One person here is trapping them, then releasing them elsewhere. Had I known I would have found a way to put him in something to give to him but I learned after the fact. But not too late should there be anymore.
. They get as large as a large housecat but can be smaller. I read what they eat and I guess I know why they were here. Fruit is a favorite food. Our neighbor peach tree ripened late this year and being it is behind our shed I didn't see it til late Aug to early Sept. It was loaded with fruit on our side and a few had dropped on the ground but I saw gnaw marks on some in the tree that weren't birds. We put down heavy plastic on the ground to make is so there were no weeds to battle and the mess was easy to clean up.. Makes me wonder if that is where most of the lizards went..won't bother me a bit if those 13 inch things are gone. yuk!
I am glad too, that possum was ok. And Sparky is still proud of his gifts.
You have to own a Scottie to know how proud. They are rodent dogs and he looked and looked for that thing for days. When he got the first 'possum I was out in the yard with him...he started to lift his leg to do his business and he heard something in a bush, a second later came out prancing with the 'possum in his mouth. He looked so hurt when I took it away.
We have had 3 Scotties & 3 Westies & they were all good rodent hunters.Bessie a Scottie hated blue tongue lizards ,she would let out a special bark when she had one cornered (these lizards don't run but stand their ground) but by the time I got to her the poor thing needed to go to the vet.
Teddy bear I had to chuckle when I read this My cat used to bring me gifts once a baby rabbit the next time a Chipmunk and one day I told her she was no good she was supposed to catch a mouse I left and went shopping came home and she had left a dead mouse on my table and she looked so proud of her self. happy she did not put it on my bed.
hugs Lenamae
I don't know if putting a mouse on the table is any better then the do you 'cringe' in computer talk. This is the second bed gift I have received. I had a cat leave a dead bird several years ago. Naturally, I love bunnies and chipmunks ...
Our furry friends can be so giving! LOL
His giving never seems to stop and we still look for those 'possums even at 3:00am. I feel like a shepard because I have resorted to carrying a 5 foot pvc pipe to guide him into the house when he is on the prowl.
Killiecrankie, Sparky is a wheaten (almost white) I can see him but unlike most dogs he has a stubborn streak that I have never seen in a Scottie before. And without a pole to guide him he would just stay out and do his own thing. If I go in and let him stay out and crawl into bed I end up with 4 paws on my chest and a look of 'where in the dickens did you go'.