by michemb 27 Sep 2013

when you've had enough let me know LOL,elephant is from the quiltery, they have great designs just wish they had smaller ones, but this guy turned out terrific.

This concludes this elephant series.
Thanks again for taking the time,


by crosses 30 Sep 2013

Another adorable blanket. I see that you are into elephants like me at the moment and Carmellas Corner has a 75% sale on now and her designs stitch out really nice. Here is a link to one of her elephant sets.

1 comment
michemb by michemb 30 Sep 2013

thanks I have this set as well and have used them, they are terrific

by stella1 30 Sep 2013

Michelle adorable beautiful my granddaugther loves elephants it is very sweet and cute huggies stella

1 comment
michemb by michemb 30 Sep 2013

thanks Stella

by lidiad 28 Sep 2013

Another super-adorable project! Love it.
Hugs, Lidia

1 comment
michemb by michemb 30 Sep 2013

thank you Lidia
hugs back

by kezza2sew 28 Sep 2013

so very sweet and lovely

1 comment
michemb by michemb 30 Sep 2013


by drh2276 28 Sep 2013

So cute!

1 comment
michemb by michemb 30 Sep 2013


by vero28 28 Sep 2013

Bonjour Michelle,
J'espère que tu vas bien et que tes soucis sont bien loin derrière toi maintenant et réglés.
Il y a un moment que je ne suis pas passée faire une petite visite et j'ai certainement manqué plusieurs de tes merveilles mais surtout ne t'arrête pas, j'adore découvrir tes créations d'assemblage et je ne suis pas la seule c'est sur. J'aime bien aussi tes piqures fantaisies pour ton biais.
Je ne connais pas le site que tu indiques, je vais aller chercher.
Bonne continuation et continue à faire plaisir et à te faire plaisir.

1 comment
michemb by michemb 30 Sep 2013

Bonjour Véro,
Effectivement ca fait un bout qu’on ce n’est pas parler. Tu va bien?
Oui ma réunion famille c’est bien passer et la je travailler fort sur mes broderie. Beaucoup de projet et command à faire, et oui je me fais plaisir.
Tu es bien gentil avec tes beaux commentaires et je te remercie. À la prochaine fois,

by lulu07 28 Sep 2013

Tired...NEVER!!!....I love to see your work, so keep it coming....and thanks for sharing it with us my always, it is great. Hugs!

1 comment
michemb by michemb 28 Sep 2013

Thank you
You girls keep me going

by sqdancer 28 Sep 2013

Another cute design Michelle Hugs Glenda x0x0x

1 comment
michemb by michemb 28 Sep 2013

THANKS again Glenda
hugs to you

by muflotex 28 Sep 2013

so beautyfull wish I had more time to comment on all of your sweet work the last few days

1 comment
michemb by michemb 28 Sep 2013

Thanks, I appreciate the time you have

by teun 28 Sep 2013


1 comment
michemb by michemb 28 Sep 2013


by shuede 28 Sep 2013

Michelle, I always look forward to seeing your work. Keep it coming! Denise

1 comment
michemb by michemb 28 Sep 2013

thanks Denise

by diamondfowler 28 Sep 2013

Thanks for sharing with us, how in the world do you put designs together so beautiful?? Your work is great!

1 comment
michemb by michemb 28 Sep 2013

Thanks, with a little imagination and patience to find the designs, love combining

by persiancatlover5 28 Sep 2013

looks wonderfull

by justonlyme 28 Sep 2013

How positively adorable! Great job!

1 comment
michemb by michemb 28 Sep 2013

Thank you

by eleen 27 Sep 2013

Beautiful - love what you do with the designs. ***

1 comment
michemb by michemb 28 Sep 2013

Thanks, I try to do something different everytime

by noah 27 Sep 2013

Cute for sure hugs

1 comment
michemb by michemb 28 Sep 2013

ah, thanks Carolyn

by jrob Moderator 27 Sep 2013

Another great work. ;)

1 comment
michemb by michemb 28 Sep 2013

Thanks Jerrilyn

by baldacchino 27 Sep 2013

Please don't stop showing us your designs, gives me a lot of Ideas for the baby's things lovely Job Thank you

1 comment
michemb by michemb 28 Sep 2013

Thank you

by shilly 27 Sep 2013

Truly sweet designs..

1 comment
michemb by michemb 28 Sep 2013

Thank you

by basketkase 27 Sep 2013

Truly adorable for a baby......great work!

1 comment
michemb by michemb 28 Sep 2013


by pldc 27 Sep 2013

Just darling Michelle. Hugs & ** Loralye

1 comment
michemb by michemb 28 Sep 2013

Thank you Loralye
hugs back

by gerryvb 27 Sep 2013

oh I love these designs, so sweet :)

1 comment
michemb by michemb 28 Sep 2013

Thanks gerry

by highlandermom 27 Sep 2013

I love seeing what you come up with. Everything you make is like a story book ready to tell a story. You have a wonderfully creative imagination. Keep em coming.

1 comment
michemb by michemb 28 Sep 2013

I try to tell a story everytime, always dépends on what I am making. Glad you like them

by jerrib 27 Sep 2013

Never get tired of seeing your creations. Hugs Jerri

1 comment
michemb by michemb 28 Sep 2013

Thanks Jerri,
hugs back

by ygarrone 27 Sep 2013

Love these - thanks for sharing.

1 comment
michemb by michemb 28 Sep 2013


by oaro 27 Sep 2013

beautiful design

1 comment
michemb by michemb 28 Sep 2013

thank you Maria

by bagelgirl 27 Sep 2013

michemb love your projects
and thank you for taking the time
to share them with us!

1 comment
michemb by michemb 28 Sep 2013

Thanks for taking the time to comment, appreciate it