by almag 30 Sep 2013

I would so hate to be called Zelda or Zamphryne or Zykloanye........ look how long I've have to wait for My letter to come up in some of those gorgeous alphabets that we are being offered. 'A' is such a grand letter. It heads up all the beautiful sets like the one that 'From the Needle of Ann' is starting and the one that is beginning in 'Betty's Original Embroideries'. Then there's the delightful chooks one that Miss V is offering in Cute Alphabets, (I just love chooks!!!) not to mention the others that she has on intro prices most of the time. Here, I have to mention also the alphabet sets from Amazing Embroidery Designs and Cute Embroidery Designs. Some of hers are just out of this world while the rest are just plain brilliant.... great colours, stunning stitching, touch of elegance/sense of humour/something for everyone.... you name it..... she's got it.

I could never work out why my mother plonked a name like mine onto an innocent, beautiful little baby girl like me...... but now I've worked it all out..... took nearly 78 years but I've arrived at last...... she knew that I'd be wanting to see what My Letter would be like in all the new fantastic alphabets. Thanks, Mum, if you're still watching from above...... :}


by mops Moderator 03 Oct 2013

Lucky you! My M is #13, my maiden name #18, my husband's #16. They say patience is a trait worth having :)

1 comment
almag by almag 03 Oct 2013

So they say but I don't know too much about patience. I'm awfully short of it these days.

by jofrog2000 03 Oct 2013

Well, being a J, I'm in the middle either way.Backwards or forwards is okay, I just don't like it when the letters are random. Now THAT'S harder to keep track of.

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almag by almag 03 Oct 2013

Absolutely! Now the American 'I' and 'J' seem to be very much alike to me. Does that ever throw you out?

by graceandham 03 Oct 2013

Alma, I was a last name T.... and was always put on the seating plan near the back of the room, where I could not see. Then I married, R... no improvement, except usually not seated alphabetically in college. Now "M" so I get my letter about half-way through the process in DLing. We won't even talk about what my Mother did to me in spelling with my initials! Heidi-ho to my Mom, too.

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almag by almag 03 Oct 2013

Some parents don't seem to consider how initials can affect a person, especially if the initials make up a word that one's enemies will pounce upon and tease the living daylights out of one during school-age years.

by hightechgrammy 03 Oct 2013

grrrrrrrrr I think they should start from the back of the alphabet sometime says jan Wharton!

1 comment
almag by almag 03 Oct 2013

Just so long as I'm warned first so that I don't think I've missed out on that all-important 'A'..... :}

by 02kar Moderator 01 Oct 2013

I guess I am lucky on both needing a K and S for mine, but I am patient. the letters will eventually all be there for the picking.

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almag by almag 01 Oct 2013

Well, to be fair to the rest of the family, I look forward each time to C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,P,S,T and V. I have five 'K' people and the rest are singles. 'K' makes a rather nice letter most times but poor old 'I' just can't be made into much at all.

by vickiannette 30 Sep 2013

Perhaps the alphabet should be turned upside down just once in a while Alma. That would keep we VWXY and Z's happy!

1 comment
almag by almag 01 Oct 2013

Hi Vickiannette - not too keen on that idea!!!
Occasionally I miss the new 'A', too, and I'm not keen on that, either.

by almag 30 Sep 2013

Oh!!! and I just remembered the one downer. I have to wait sooooooo long for the rest of the letters to finish to see what goodie is being offered next..... :{

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hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 03 Oct 2013

Oh, poor poor letter A people - LOL