Nice designs but they don't offer paypal so I have to say: Sorry no deal with me :o(
Yes it is a pity. I normally wait till they have a sale and then twist my Husbands arm - must say only because he works in the bank and can sort out a problem if any. Otherwise it would have been a no no for me too.
Like a return in old times: When I started buying designs from emblibrary they also just accept credit cards. My husband bought me a gift card from time to time so that I wasn't forced to ask him for his credit card for every design. To offer paypal was one of the best choices of emblibrary: I'm a much too good customer now ;o)
sehr sehr schön leider kann ich diese nicht kaufen habe keine Kreditkarte
Thanks - yes it can be annoying thinking of it. One of the few who does not accept Paypal.