by grandmamek 02 Oct 2013

Just dropping in to say hello to all my cute friends. I am doing much better but was back in the hospital two weeks ago. That makes three times since July. I have started cardiac rehab and that is going well. Have started back to do some sewing on my machines. I have not been on the computer too much. Hopefully now that will start to improve. Just wanted you all to know I have missed you.


by jrob Moderator 05 Oct 2013

Oh, Mary, I've missed seeing your face! I'm glad you are feeling better and are sewing. We will be here waiting for you. :)

by almag 05 Oct 2013

I'm so glad for you that things are settling down and that you are on the mend. I missed your cheery face there for a while. As you recover I'll be looking for you photo each day. Sending you a Big Aussie Hug.

by maleah 04 Oct 2013

Hope all will be getting better for you soon. We missed you. Take care.

by debswebster 03 Oct 2013

We missed you too!! So glad you are feeling better and hope you enjoy your machines. Hugs to you

1 comment
grandmamek by grandmamek 03 Oct 2013

Thanks Deb. Hugs, Mary

by pennifold 03 Oct 2013

Thank the Lord you are doing better Mary, I've missed seeing your Avatar on here. Now for some relaxation time doing some sewing. Take heed of all the doctor's orders and keep up that rehab. Love and blessings Chris

1 comment
grandmamek by grandmamek 03 Oct 2013

Thanks Chris.

by cfidl 03 Oct 2013

Good to see you and hear that things are improving. Happy stitching!

1 comment
grandmamek by grandmamek 03 Oct 2013

Thank you/

by airyfairy 03 Oct 2013

And I for one have missed you too Mary. So pleased to hear that you are getting better. Hugs Sarah.

1 comment
grandmamek by grandmamek 03 Oct 2013

Thank you Sarah. I am happy to be able to be back.

by graceandham 03 Oct 2013

Keep popping in and it will become a habit again! We missed you.

1 comment
grandmamek by grandmamek 03 Oct 2013

Thank you. I will do that

by blueeyedblonde 02 Oct 2013

glad to hear all is going better!

1 comment
grandmamek by grandmamek 03 Oct 2013

Thank you.

by askmcv 02 Oct 2013

So happy you are doing better...May you continue to enjoy good health.

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grandmamek by grandmamek 03 Oct 2013

Thanks Claire. I hope you are doing better also. I think of you so often and am continuing to pray for you.

by pldc 02 Oct 2013

So glad that you are doing better, best of continued better health! Hugs & * **Loralye

1 comment
grandmamek by grandmamek 02 Oct 2013

Thank you.

by nannynorfolk 02 Oct 2013

So pleased your back - you were missed - take good care ;)

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grandmamek by grandmamek 02 Oct 2013

I am glad to be back.

by dailylaundry 02 Oct 2013

Happy you are feeling better!! You have been missed here too - please following your doctor's orders and don't over do!! loads of hugs, Laura*

1 comment
grandmamek by grandmamek 02 Oct 2013

No I am not overdoing. Just taking life easy.

by camylow 02 Oct 2013

I am so GLAD you are doing somewhat better...MISS you also...woull love to have the FATHER just heal you right up...PRAYERS AND HUGS deanna

1 comment
grandmamek by grandmamek 02 Oct 2013

Thanks Deanna.

by 02kar Moderator 02 Oct 2013

It is so good to see you. You have been missed. I am glad you are starting to get some normalcy back in your life after your cardiac scare.

1 comment
grandmamek by grandmamek 02 Oct 2013

Yes I am glad that life is getting back to normal. The only thing different is the rehab three times a week.

by bevintex 02 Oct 2013

I'm glad to hear you are improving and getting back to sewing. We all need our daily dose of Cute.

1 comment
grandmamek by grandmamek 02 Oct 2013

I agree. I know I have missed a lot in the past few weeks. It is a joy to be able to get back to my machines again.