by oldtimer992005 04 Oct 2013

hello cuties, i have been wondering if i should write this or not. but i am hoping someone can help.for a while now i have been bothered by the sicatica nerve pain. off and on my leg goes numb, i have pain in the lower back that goes down my left leg.i refuse to take pain killers as they do not agree with me.does heat help or ice. .i am so mad at my self.being old is the pits. grrr. thank you all for your help.stella


by jrob Moderator 05 Oct 2013

Tension in your lower back is the cause of sciatic nerve problems. I have had them. This one exercise done once a day for 10-15 minutes will get rid of your problem. If you have trouble getting on the floor, lay down on your bed and do it. If there is a yoga studio near you, go. There are modifications so that this can be done safely for the very elderly. There is a lady in one of my classes who is 88 years old. She modifies with a chair.

by cfidl 05 Oct 2013

I do this and use a theracane. I have many trigger points in my back and leg pain and numbness, I used to go to chiropractors, however I had a few too many negative experiences.

by vero28 05 Oct 2013

I had back problems there a few months ago, I could almost move. I went to see an "osteopath". I do not know if you have at home and what's it called?
In a few sessions of manipulation that had happened and I returned to see him from time to time for a checkup.
Good courage and good recovery.

by mi30kaja 05 Oct 2013

I too have problems with my legs. While standing in the kitchen preparing a meal my left leg used to go numb. I bought myself a circulation booster and I no longer have this problem. Also bought myself a pair of gloves for when my hands get sore after too much craft work. One of the best things I have spent money on.

by sassylady 05 Oct 2013

You may not want to hear this, but gentle stretching and walk, walk, walk..

by justonlyme 05 Oct 2013

You might want to try anti-inflammatory medication, either prescription or over the counter. I find that it helps me quite a bit. Also, massage might help relax everything so the pain can let go. And finally, if you have the opportunity to use a hot tub, I urge you to give it a go. I hope that this is a problem that comes and goes, and is not constant. Sciatica and neck pain are truly horrible. I wish you the best.

by airyfairy 05 Oct 2013

I am so sorry you are in such pain. Perhaps you should see your GP who will recommend that you see someone who can help.

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 05 Oct 2013

I agree with you Sarah - Stella needs to see her medical professional and then go on from there. No-one should have to put up with continuous pain - it's your body telling you that something is not right. So Stella I hope something can be done for you soon. Love Chris

by marjialexa Moderator 04 Oct 2013

First, yes, being old is certainly not fun. Stuff stops working all the time. Your brain is still about 30, so you think you can do all this stuff, then your 65 year old body laughs and says NO. I get it, believe me. My personal first line of defense against anything is my chiropractor. Mine is an older guy, been going there for years, trust what he says, because it simply works. If something is pinching a nerve, that nerve isn't going to stop yelling till it stops getting pinched, pretty much end of story. My chiropractor will tell me if it's a problem in his sphere, or if I need to see a regular MD for something. You might think about having a chiropractor do an Xray, then you'll know what's wrong and how to fix it, or if it can be. Try all the other suggestions below, too, something might work, to at least get you out of such pain. Best of luck with it, Stella! Hugs, Marji

1 comment
sandyqueen by sandyqueen 05 Oct 2013

There is no pain like sciatica pain. I also believe in chiropractic for relief. I have a bad disc in lower back that acts up and usually one visit to chiropractor fixes me right up.


by ajmmjs 04 Oct 2013

all great suggestions! i take tramdol,non narcotic for joint pain. also used to take lyrica for nerve damage to legs.had back surgery,but now have mod to severe pain from arthritis.tramdol and tylenol or ibuprofen help the most. also,specifically for sciatica pain you should try lying flat on mod to firm surface for bed all night.try pillowsunder knees, it helps, and the chair position. good luck, lynne

by MrsRoy 04 Oct 2013

I have sciatic pain all the time and my massage therapist says to walk around in high heels (about 2 inch works for me) for a couple of days.

by camylow 04 Oct 2013

My DH and I have joint problems...his from arthritis and me from over lifting concrete bags in the younger days...WE BOTH SLEEP WITH A PILLOW BETWEEN OUR KNEES... takes the weight off the joints so that they help keep from going numb....PLEASE try it and let me know the feed back from you to see if it helps any

by AuntAnnie 04 Oct 2013

Several years ago I was diagnosed with a nerve disorder caused by a bulging disk in my lower back. The neurologist sent me to PT, prescribed muscle relaxants, and a neurologic inhibitor--no pain killers. I am nearly symptom free now except for numbness and the occasional leg pain (usually caused by doing something I shouldn't have). Each individual needs a proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment. What may be good for one may not be good for another (even with similar symptoms).

by 02kar Moderator 04 Oct 2013

I also often suffer from this. One of the things that has helped me is to lie on the floor with my butt up against an ottoman whose height matches the span from the floor to my bent knees which I place on the ottoman. I look like a kitchen chair that is lying on the floor, if that helps to visualize the position I am now in. I lay there and can feel the pain recede up my leg. It may take 30 to 45 minutes to feel real pain relief. I have often fallen asleep doing this. I also struggle with pain meds and try to use my different pain methods alternately so I will not adjust to any one and it is no longer effective. I wish I could promise this will work for you. It is very effective for me. But be patient. As I said it takes time to tell if it will help. I do hope that you find something that helps.

by rescuer Moderator 04 Oct 2013

I have that trouble but go to a chiropractor regularly to be adjusted. I feel so much better when I leave and the pain and numbness are gone -- again.